··The black sheep in the Spee-ee-eee-eedmaster flockSyrte, you've inspired me to try and one up you on Instagram with this little gem.
Well... did your little Enterprise work?
(Sorry, I couldn't resist)
Syrte, you've inspired me to try and one up you on Instagram with this little gem.
Well, my post on Instargram did garner seven likes, probably because of the musicality of my watch, while I can't seem to find @Syrte 's little airplane watch anymore.
@Syrte, I have recently noticed a new behavior in Instagram that started a few weeks ago (for me at least), and I wonder if this could be another reason for your spike in activity? In my Home feed, I am familiar with sponsored product ads mixed in with posts from people I follow; however, these “suggested because you like/follow someone else” posts are popping up, which seems a little redundant as that is the purpose of the Discover feed.
So, I wonder if you had been suggested and a photo of yours made it into someone else’s Home feed? Below is an example of what I mean and in the image, at the top, you can see a sponsored ad from Target.