Just Livin
·Just a bit of fun nothing else.
It seems each year at auction a vintage piece comes up that surpasses expectations by a long way.
Is there another massive leap for a Nina Rindt, or a Rodania Geo, or what do we think?
Just for fun. Predicting the future is of course a Terminator Arne year or 2 away 😀
So more a speculative...what do you think it 'should be'.
If this were a reality show....the breakthrough watch act of 2019....underrated till now 🍿
It seems each year at auction a vintage piece comes up that surpasses expectations by a long way.
Is there another massive leap for a Nina Rindt, or a Rodania Geo, or what do we think?
Just for fun. Predicting the future is of course a Terminator Arne year or 2 away 😀
So more a speculative...what do you think it 'should be'.
If this were a reality show....the breakthrough watch act of 2019....underrated till now 🍿