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How did you obtain your alias or why?

  1. Barking mad Prolific Speedmaster Hoarder Feb 27, 2014

    Mine is easy. I must be Barking mad because of the way I collect and live in the places that I have and do.
  2. CanberraOmega Rabbitohs and Whisky Supporter Feb 27, 2014

    Same. I live in Canberra I collect Omega watches.
  3. DLT222 Double D @ ΩF Staff Member Feb 27, 2014

    My initials and day and month of birth.
  4. ulackfocus Feb 27, 2014

    I was at a district meeting one morning cracking jokes and being generally disruptive. My boss, who also knew me outside of work, was aware that I had destroyed another engine in a highly modified (380-ish hp / 18 lbs boost) Ford Focus so I was driving my second car. When he finally needed me to get serious he said "you lack Focus today". Ever since, my online alias has been ulackfocus - fishing forums, car forums, even for a couple quick questions on some camera forums (which surprised me that nobody else had taken the name).
    Fritz and Privateday7 like this.
  5. Ludi Feb 27, 2014

    My boys initials: LUca and DIego = ludi ;)
  6. blackwatch wants tickets to the HyperBole. Feb 27, 2014

    Spur of the moment, and I've disliked it ever since but know better than to try and change it. I generally use a different login name on each forum/service/etc so that it's harder for the thought police to connect all of my various identities.
  7. gatorcpa ΩF InvestiGator Staff Member Feb 27, 2014

    I'm pretty easy. Look at the avatar, then guess my occupation.
  8. CanberraOmega Rabbitohs and Whisky Supporter Feb 27, 2014

    Take your pick:
    CPA Certified Public Accountant
    CPA Citizens' Police Academy
    CPA Cost Per Action
    CPA Comprehensive Peace Agreement (Sudan)
    CPA Canadian Psychiatric Association
    CPA Coalition Provisional Authority (Office of Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance)
    CPA Canadian Psychological Association
    CPA Community Preservation Act
    CPA Comprehensive Performance Assessment
    CPA Canadian Payroll Association
    CPA Canadian Paraplegic Association
    CPA Coalition Provisional Authority (Iraq)
    CPA Canadian Physiotherapy Association
    CPA Cathay Pacific Airways
    CPA Chartered Public Accountant
    CPA Communications and Public Affairs
    CPA Care Programme Approach (UK mental health policy)
    CPA Chinese Progressive Association
    CPA Center for the Performing Arts
    CPA Canadian Payments Association
    CPA Centre for Policy Alternatives
    CPA Clinical Pathology Accreditation (UK)
    CPA Composite Panel Association
    CPA College Parents of America
    CPA Collaboration Protocol Agreement (ebXML)
    CPA Cartes Postales Anciennes
    CPA Construction Products Association (UK)
    CPA Channel Port Adapter (Cisco)
    CPA Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (UK)
    CPA Crop Protection Association (UK)
    CPA Comprehensive Plan Amendment
    CPA Collaboration-Protocol Agreement (Oasis)
    CPA Consumer Protection Agency (Egypt)
    CPA Centre de Perfectionnement aux Affaires (French: Center for Business Training; est. 1929)
    CPA Closest Point of Approach
    CPA Certified Practising Accountant
    CPA Chirped Pulse Amplification
    CPA Communist Party of Australia
    CPA Content Provider Access
    CPA Combat Poverty Agency
    CPA Critical Path Analysis
    CPA Centre for Policy on Ageing
    CPA Centre for Psychological Astrology
    CPA Center for Policy Alternatives
    CPA Canadian Peace Alliance
    CPA Communicating Process Architectures
    CPA Cordillera Peoples Alliance (Cordillera, Philippines indigenous peoples organization)
    CPA Commission on Preservation and Access
    CPA Coherent Potential Approximation
    CPA Construction Plant-Hire Association (UK)
    CPA Commonwealth Pharmaceutical Association (UK)
    CPA CerebelloPontine Angle (tumors)
    CPA Canadian Police Association
    CPA Comprehensive Plan of Action
    CPA Consumer Protection Association (UK)
    CPA Call Progress Analysis (also PCPM, Programmable Call Progress Monitor)
    CPA Coherent Perfect Absorber (physics)
    CPA Communist Party USA
    CPA Canadian Philosophical Association
    CPA Christian Police Association (UK)
    CPA Commonwealth Ports Authority
    CPA Catholic Patriotic Association
    CPA Cessna Pilots Association
    CPA Cost Plus Award
    CPA Customer Profitability Analysis
    CPA Child Placement Agency
    CPA Canadian Poetry Association
    CPA Canadian Pacific Airlines
    CPA Chosen-Plaintext Attack
    CPA Chief of Public Affairs
    CPA Childhood Physical Abuse
    CPA California Partnership Academies
    CPA Canaveral Port Authority
    CPA California Psychiatric Association
    CPA Cost and Price Analysis
    CPA Connector Position Assurance
    CPA Christian People's Alliance
    CPA Common Payment Application (smart chip card industry)
    CPA Cell Proliferation Assay
    CPA Copolymer Alloy
    CPA Connecticut Psychological Association
    CPA Chartered Patent Attorney
    CPA Computing Processes and Artifacts
    CPA Chief Patrol Agent (US Border Patrol)
    CPA Canadian Parking Association
    CPA Canadian Petroleum Association
    CPA Consumer Protection Act of 1991
    CPA Cakewalk Pro Audio
    CPA Center for Photographic Art
    CPA Crime Pattern Analysis
    CPA Critical Patch Update (Oracle)
    CPA Cubic-Plus-Association (equation of state)
    CPA Caring People Alliance
    CPA Cincinnati Paralegal Association
    CPA Connecticut Pharmacists Association
    CPA Carry Propagate Adder
    CPA Center for Profitable Agriculture
    CPA Caribbean Philosophical Association
    CPA Central Planning Area
    CPA Cornish Pasty Association (UK)
    CPA Chartered Patent Agent (UK)
    CPA Chairman’s program assessment (US DoD)
    CPA Compulsory Purchase Annuity (UK)
    CPA Corrective & Preventive Action (quality assurance systems)
    CPA Christmas Prepayment Association (UK)
    CPA Calgary Parking Authority
    CPA Corrosion Prevention Association (UK)
    CPA Cost Per Acquisition/Action (internet advertising)
    CPA Coalition for Peace Action
    CPA Corrugated Packaging Association
    CPA Contract Price Adjustment
    CPA Canadian Poolplayers Association
    CPA Chesapeake Paddlers Association
    CPA Council Performance Assessment (US Girl Scouts)
    CPA Car Park Attendant
    CPA Content Portal Authority (SurfControl)
    CPA Cold Plasma Analyzer
    CPA Competing Pipers Association
    CPA California Placement Association (California Community College Placement Association)
    CPA Cost Performance Analysis
    CPA Co-Polar Attenuation
    CPA Combined Paging/Access
    CPA Charged Particle Analyzer
    CPA Chinanteco Palantla (SIL code, Mexico)
    CPA Campaign for Public Accountability
    CPA Conflict Prevention Associates
    CPA Coalition for Public Awareness
    CPA Cincinnati Performing Arts (Cincinnati, OH)
    CPA Customer-Provided Access
    CPA Clinical Pathology Associates (Austin, TX)
    CPA Centre for Proteome Analysis
    CPA Columbus Progressive Alliance
    CPA Community Postal Agent (Australia Post)
    CPA Command Processor Assembly
    CPA Central Purchasing Authority
    CPA Cultural Pluralism and the Arts
    CPA Centralized/Bulk Power Architecture
    CPA Cyprus Pharmaceutical Association
    CPA Consumer Protection Appraisal
    CPA Corporate Purchase Agreement
    CPA Computer Patents Annuities
    CPA Customer Product Advisor
    CPA Colorado Payphone Association
    CPA Commercial Production Association
    CPA Common Programming APIs
    CPA Cut and Paste Artist
    CPA Common Process Architecture (software engineering)
    CPA Computer Program Abstracts (NASA)
    CPA Concurrent Photon Amplification
    CPA Coupled-Pair Approximation
    CPA Connecticut Perinatal Association
    CPA Calling Party Answer (ITU-T)
    CPA Constant Pain in the Ass
    CPA Customer Product Audit
    CPA Comprehensive Peer Assessment
    CPA Customer Price Agreement
    CPA Children's Psychology Associates
    CPA Circular Patch Antenna
    CPA Contiguous Processor Allocation
    CPA Controller Processing Assembly
    CPA Canadian Pinzgauer Association
    CPA Charged-Particle Analysis
    CPA Contract Property Administrator
    CPA Communications Planning Aid
    CPA Creative Progress Agency (Bulgaria)
    CPA Critical Parametric Analysis
    CPA Classification Products By Activity
    CPA Contingency Planning Aid (NASA)
    CPA Coordinated Purchase Agreement
    CPA Computer Products Administration
    CPA Cleaning, Pressing, and Altering
    CPA Commander's Personal Attention
    CPA Cash Purchasing Agent
    CPA Control Purchasing Authority
    CPA Cost Planning & Appraisal
    CPA Common Paging and Access
    CPA Conventional Patch Antenna
    CPA Communications Power Assembly
    CPA Circular Probable Area
    CPA Cost/Personal Accounting
    CPA Cary Photographic Artists (Cary, NC)
    CPA Catholic Parents Association
    CPA Capability Provisioning Activity (NECC program)
    CPA Conversion Pad Assembly (chemical demil plants)
    CPA Cargo Preference Act of 1954
    CPA Comprehensive Peace Arrangement
    CPA Case Processing Associate
    CPA Child Protection Act (various locations)
    CPA Consolidated Plan of Action (African Ministerial Council on Science and Technology)
    CPA Ciment Portland Artificiel (French: Artificial Portland Cement)
    CPA Conseils en Patrimoine et en Assurances (French: Heritage Consulting and Insurance)
    CPA Comité des Plastiques en Agriculture (French: Plastics in Agriculture Committee)
    CPA Cessation Progressive d'Activité (French: Gradual Retirement Scheme)
    CPA Center for Physical Activity (East Tennessee State University)
    CPA Circulating Platelet Aggregation
    CPA Crime Prevention Act (various locations)
    CPA Chartres Poker Association (France)
    CPA Champagne Parc Auto (French auto park)
    CPA Credit Protection Association (various locations)
    CPA Carolina Performing Arts (Chapel Hill, NC)
    CPA Classe Préparatoire à l'Apprentissage (French: Pre-Apprenticeship Class)
    CPA Centrale du Pneu et des Accessoires (French: Central Tire and Accessories)
    CPA Canadian Public Administration (journal; Wiley)
    CPA Communauté d'Agglomération du Pays d'Aix (French urban planning group)
    CPA Chasse-Pêche-Amitié (French: Hunting-Fishing-Friendship; online forum)
    CPA Core Program Area (Uganda)
    CPA Collectif des Plateformes d'Affiliation (French: Collective Affiliate Network)
    CPA Custom Painting Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
    CPA Casual Players Alliance (website)
    CPA Corporate Performance Assessment
    CPA Club de Patinage Artistique (French figure skating club)
    CPA Coefficient de Polissage Accéléré (French: Accelerated Polishing Coefficient)
    CPA Conditions Particulières d'Autorisation (French: Special Conditions of Authorization)
    CPA Culture et Politique Arabes (French: Arab Culture and Politics; website)
    CPA Corpus Pattern Analysis (computational linguistics)
  9. Jimmy Jim Feb 27, 2014

    Mine is pretty straight forward, it just happens to be the 'cleanest' name I have been called over the years. Certainly not the most common...
  10. DLT222 Double D @ ΩF Staff Member Feb 27, 2014

    Lol love that list post
  11. ulackfocus Feb 27, 2014

  12. gatorcpa ΩF InvestiGator Staff Member Feb 27, 2014

    I did say "guess" didn't I?:rolleyes:
  13. CanberraOmega Rabbitohs and Whisky Supporter Feb 28, 2014

    My favourite is Car Park Attendant
  14. Alpha Kilt Owner, Beagle Parent, Omega Collector Feb 28, 2014

    Delusions of grandeur :D
  15. citizenrich Metal Mixer! Feb 28, 2014

    + I'm Rich (in name, only).
    image.jpg image.jpg
    AuBuyer likes this.
  16. UncleBuck understands the decision making hierarchy Feb 28, 2014

    Construction workers are a..holes, just because I was a little overweight, smoked cigars, gambled, drank and faintly resembled John Candy........somebody needed something done and my partner said "go get that UncleBuck lookin' motherf......" and so it began.
  17. Varasc Feb 28, 2014

    Varasc... a dreamy place in Champoluc, Ayas Valley, Aosta Valley, Alps. The picture... it's me on Mount Castore, on the Italian-Swiss border.
    Barking mad and citizenrich like this.
  18. SpikiSpikester @ ΩF Staff Member Feb 28, 2014

    Mine is an ancient in joke between me and my wife. Initially I used it as a joke on some forum or other because I was in a hurry, but then couldn't think of anything better and stuck with it.

    When I joined here I didn't think I would be on the forum much, so used it as kind of default :rolleyes:
    Privateday7 likes this.
  19. DLT222 Double D @ ΩF Staff Member Feb 28, 2014


    And your eBay!
  20. SpikiSpikester @ ΩF Staff Member Feb 28, 2014

    yep. it may even have been ebay where i used it first :confused: