The Father
路I actually love waking in the early hours and listening to the owls 馃榾
Few times last week heard clucking and clicking from owls.
Dog photo. Owls are not getting 40lb Connie
I actually love waking in the early hours and listening to the owls 馃榾
Bonnie arrived late last night. We were going to get a little girl but that changed to a little boy馃榾
Ziggy and Tommy are pretty indifferent at the moment but I am sure that they will warm to him.
He has been brilliant, played until we went to bed last night and then slept through, sleeping next to my wife. No crying, no fuss and not one bit afraid.
Some pics from this mornings playtime..
and the batteries are flat. Tough job being a kitten
@Alpha I think your girls have hacked your OF account and sent me a PM馃榿. They said if I post enough cute pics of Bonnie that they can get you to crack. So who am I to resist
@The Father did the "owls" that were clicking and clucking look anything like these "owls"?
The cuteness! Is this one of those cats that will remain a kitten forever?
My poor cat refuses to even pose on the steps since seeing your kitten.