路Thanks a lot for sharing, perfect sunday afternoon reading material.
I wanted to give this a bump into 2019. I just recently discovered the Project Apollo Archives and wanted to make a post. Searching the forums led me here.
I'll leave the link here for convenience: https://www.flickr.com/photos/projectapolloarchive/albums
@Jones in LA...the geology hammer could be an Estwing...it looks just like the one I have. 馃憤
Also, thanks for posting the cool pics. 馃憤
50 years ago... the Apollo 10 crew was ready for the rehearsal of an actual Moon landing...
They named their spacecraft: Charlie Brown (CSM) and Snoopy (Lunar Lander)... based on Charles Schulz cartoons
About 40 days prior to launch day, we see Commander Tom Stafford in the cockpit of a T-38 jet with the Snoopy logo applied.
They also flew some drawings of Snoopy aboard the actual space mission !.