·This is a needle in a haystack- but I totally get it and see no harm at throwing the serial numbers out there to see if they hit.
A coworker of mine inherited his fathers early 70’s BMW 3.0cs. His father was the second owner, bought it from a doctor. He babied the thing and against his better judgement let his idiot brother borrow the car (becuase it was his father too was his rationale) and of course- idiot brother wraps it around a tree.
Friend, besides himself but not wanting to do a full restoration on the car posts it online for sale. He gets a ping a few days later from a guy who says “that’s my fathers car!”. Friend says “no, it was my fathers car”- but no, the guy who answered the ad was the son of the original owner and had memorized the VIN and has been looking for it for 20 years! Apparently his father sold it and regretted selling ever after, and the son has very fond memories of the car, so started hunting for it.
Long story short (too late) friend sells car to son or original owner- original owner does frame off restoration- everyone is happy.
I gotta say, that is not how I imagined the story ending! but alls well that ends well