Help for my vintage OMEGA ref. 14714-1 SC

Hi all,
I am fairly new on this forum, because I purchased my first Omega recently.
I have a little bit of experience in watchmaking (so far I took down some ETA movements and brought them back to life) but its a different Story with my Omega. 🙁

I bought it fairly cheap on the Internet with the hope to find the right spare parts for it (after all its an Omega and not a watchbrand with a lesser reputation).

But so far I could not source the right bezel and glass for it.🤪

There is currently a listing on Ebay with a hole case, but he charges more than my whole wach cost. Btw its the wrong plating and in fairly bad shape).🤨

Maybe here are some people with old parts in their drawers waiting for me 😁

So when I would have a wish for this year it is some help from the great watch community to bring this old beauty back on wrist.

Matching a bezel is difficult. Verging on the impossible. I still think that is the most difficult part to make. Even with a wooden box chuck. It almost seems the case and bezel are made at the same time. I have a whole drawer of pocket watches missing bezels. Especially hunter cases.

Problem is that loose bezels crush easy.

Crystals on the other hand usually are easy to find. One does have to watch out for the inner retention ring. Those turn up a lot, and can easy be mistaken for bezels.

Movement parts are really easy to find. Case parts other than crystals are unobtainuim unless unique to the design Other than the backs there are no part numbers on them. As seen in my other thread, I have a whole section of case cores. None are probably Omega. At least you have a case back. When the core is separated from the back, there is no way to match such other than trial and error. Probably why assortments sell for as much as they do.

The other issue is before 1980 Omega sold uncased movements. I once found a genuine omega movement in a fake case. (for some strange reason the museum wanted it. Probably to destroy or perhaps they wanted to to show of the absurdity.)

I actually find the omega's easier to work on than the ETA or A Schild movements. There is a reason these are the best. Serviceability is a factor. So a complete case will mean the watch will be sold whole. Parts watches on the other hand are just that, parts to fix a watch that does not have the shown part.

I personally would like to find an empty 2577 case. I have noticed that most omega are either sold complete or are sold for parts. It really comes down to timing and patience (what some would call luck.)

For you the WTB section is read only, on the other hand there are not a lot of offers on there for parts mostly complete watches.

good luck with your search.
Your best bet will be finding a complete case with bezel. The chance of finding a listing for a loose, "14714 bezel" is virtually zero. They are just not sold like that IME.

The same with your hope for a WTB, the chance of anybody actually owning a spare bezel for this ref is also extremely low as a bezel for a dress watch is rarely separated from the watch case.
Ah okay, thank you for your inputs.
The other option i have is to maufacture one on my own. I already bought some brass spacers in the right dimensions to turn them on a lathe and make them fit. Gold plating it afterwards. Of course this is not original and many would stay away from it, but I want this beaty on my wrist, even if it is not 100% original. I dont think i will selling it ever again. 😁

After all it is my first Omega 😉

But there is a little problem, i dont own a lathe ::rimshot::
Even thou i know how to use it ::facepalm1::
Ah okay, thank you for your inputs.
The other option i have is to maufacture one on my own. I already bought some brass spacers in the right dimensions to turn them on a lathe and make them fit. Gold plating it afterwards. Of course this is not original and many would stay away from it, but I want this beaty on my wrist, even if it is not 100% original. I dont think i will selling it ever again. 😁

After all it is my first Omega 😉

But there is a little problem, i dont own a lathe ::rimshot::
Even thou i know how to use it ::facepalm1::

30 years ago I thought I could do that. You need a fairly large lathe like a sears atlas. The reason for this is inertia. Inertia also makes the waiting or wanting to do something more interesting than the actual doing of the chore.

Next you need a box chuck. Which is basically a chunk of hardwood. This gets wet and expands to hold the work. How they did this in the 18th century with bow and treadle lathes is one of those amazing ingenuity of the past. Then they did not have the same distractions or millions of people trying to sell them something not needed.

I have five lathes. I do not however have a 4 jaw chuck.

Still I am considering making some delryn bezels. There was a thread here a few months or weeks ago about making a bezel from Bakelite. Of course that would be for a dive style bezel. I just got some Heuers which are missing bezels. Bit easier as these look like a kid's art project ssculpted from play-dough.

The other alternative which I suggested in a PM relating to chrono pushers, would be to make the part out of ABS. Easy to shape and the most recyclable of your plastic goods. Acetone can dissolve ABS. (how one tests for it.) There are now processes used in 3D printing for a sort of lost wax method by dissolving ABS prints. A low temp jewelry metal can then be cast.

Case making and repair is the art of the jeweler not the watchmaker. Then there are the model railroaders and gunsmiths ...
There are some threads about Peter Wuischpard ( making replacement bezels.
I wrote the guy with the complete case (but in chrome) and he did come down with the price, which is still expensive when the condition of it is pretty bad. And i have to strip the plating and replate it with gold. It is an option, but not my prefered. Time is no problem for me, Iblove tinkering and can be really dedicated with it. I even have a 3D printer which with I can produce my own tools.😝
So far I shaved down a spacer to the correct diameter. All in all I just need a spindle which turns without wobble. ::stirthepot::

Another option would be to source a conplete case for the 285 movement in gold.
Sounds like you are in this project for the long game. Good you have such enthusiasm and patience and at some point surely you will succeed in wearing this watch 👍