Thanks for starting this thread and sharing your journey,
@Duracuir1. And huge congratulations on your 5 year milestone. This best-before concept has been on my mind more than ever. I’m 59 and will be 60 in August. And yes, until recently invincibility was likewise my friend, too. Fickle bastard, that guy.
I have played drums in punk, pop, rock, fusion, post-punk, progressive rock, blues and rockabilly bands since 1980. I’m still in four groups. Drums, music and my punk rock roots keep me young. At least I like to believe that narrative.
In addition to being a committed road cyclist since I was 17, I’ve been hitting the gym 2-3x a week since the mid-1980’s.
My career trajectory is more like a road map followed by a drunk, yet my adaptive capabilities have enabled me to keep going; now part of the Great Resignation, I’ve just left my position as a digital marketer and event manager for a large international tech company. Too young and not financially ready for retirement, I’ll be hunting for my next work journey when my Dr. gives me the green light. At my age, it’ll be tougher, notwithstanding my youthful appearance. I look 53!!
I swear by Clint Eastwood’s philosophy. Back when he was 88, he was asked how he still manages to keep at it at his age, he replies, “I just don’t let the Old Man in”. Indeed. That’s me. Or was.
My very first scare came in 2020 when a routine colonoscopy showed evidence of a mass in my appendix. Thankfully, it was an adenoma, not an adenocarcinoma. I had the appendectomy in January 2021; the mass was benign and I have fully recovered. Phew.
So…..Why do I need my doctor’s blessing to work now?
I spent January 2022 in and out of emergency departments and seeing many doctors trying to kill the explosive bonfire inside my skull that began on Jan. 2. There are headaches and there are migraines. I know them well yet hadn’t had one for ages. Then there’s whatever the f*ck it was that I was experiencing throughout January. My doctor and my wife believe it may be months/years of accumulated stress manifesting itself. Whatever, it was bloody awful. Finally, a neurologist prescribed a pill that eradicated my issue after a week or two. CT and CTA showed no tumours or lesions, thankfully. I had a follow up MRI three days ago. So the headache ended and after getting a full physical a few weeks ago, my doctor told me my blood work reads like some one who is 25! 25! And yet…..
As I type, I am lying in agony with what appears to be Polymyalgia Rheumatica, or PMR. It came out of nowhere (literally the day after I was told I am as hematologically fit as a 25 year old), which is typical with autoimmune issues. Hips and pelvic girdle ache, as do my shoulders and neck. Any shift when asleep means being woken up with twinges of pain. Getting in and out of a car is excruciating. Good thing playing drums uses only my wrists and feet. Standing up after playing is no treat, however. It’s like the headache decided to move to a new neighborhood. I know steroids will help, but I am loathe to put my body through that process. I may change my tune soon.
To circle back to the original question, I fear that for the first time, I have no choice but to read the writing on the wall. Notwithstanding eating healthily (36 years a veg/pescatarian), working out, riding bikes and drumming, I must end my delusions of invincibility which, sadly, still includes being attractive to girls.
Somewhere on my body there’s gotta be a stamp with Best Before December 31st, 2021.