Greetings from Aroxx

So I wanted to share this with the collective:

At last year’s GTG, one of our members who was supposed to attend for the first time (long time member on OF) got Covid in the weeks before. Luckily he was fine, but he wanted to err on the side of caution out of courtesy to the rest of us. Becuase we have to book the venue in advance based on room size (then divide that cost by head count), he had already paid to attend. After the event, Greg and I discussed how kind it was that this member took our health into consideration and by no fault of his own had to miss it.

We felt it only appropriate to refund what he had pre-paid (less than the cost of a decent strap) and sent him the custom swag he missed out on, as well as the 1/30 LE Speedy Linocut prints that Hannah (my wife) made for the attendees (one was there for him so why not send it to him).
Well, no good deed…this member just contributed a sizable amount to Alex’s fund. The kindness that the members on this forum continue to show in times of real crisis makes me think that not all people suck.

Thank you anonymous benefactor.
Wow, whoever that is, they're a real mensch. I'm super impressed by our little community here.

I'm gonna keep making weekly contributions until we get to the goal.
So I wanted to share this with the collective:

At last year’s GTG, one of our members who was supposed to attend for the first time (long time member on OF) got Covid in the weeks before. Luckily he was fine, but he wanted to err on the side of caution out of courtesy to the rest of us. Becuase we have to book the venue in advance based on room size (then divide that cost by head count), he had already paid to attend. After the event, Greg and I discussed how kind it was that this member took our health into consideration and by no fault of his own had to miss it.

We felt it only appropriate to refund what he had pre-paid (less than the cost of a decent strap) and sent him the custom swag he missed out on, as well as the 1/30 LE Speedy Linocut prints that Hannah (my wife) made for the attendees (one was there for him so why not send it to him).
Well, no good deed…this member just contributed a sizable amount to Alex’s fund. The kindness that the members on this forum continue to show in times of real crisis makes me think that not all people suck.

Thank you anonymous benefactor.
I’ll go a step further than James and disclose that the contribution from this one member was $1,000. While we greatly appreciate the magnitude of his contribution to help Alex, he shares an essential characteristic with every member who has contributed, regardless of the amount: a willingness to help someone in need. We speak often about how OF is different than other online forums because it really is a community. The response of many members to this thread really underscores that fact. Thanks again to all who have contributed. If you haven’t contributed, please read the GoFundMe page and consider doing so. It’s a pretty sobering account of how one’s life can be turned upside down in a moment. Thank you.
Wow, whoever that is, they're a real mensch. I'm super impressed by our little community here.

I'm gonna keep making weekly contributions until we get to the goal.
I’m going to do the same, David. Thanks for stepping up.
Wow, whoever that is, they're a real mensch. I'm super impressed by our little community here.

I'm gonna keep making weekly contributions until we get to the goal.
And for what it’s worth, I know you are of modest means like myself, David. We all have periods of feast or famine in life- no shade on anyone who isn’t in a position to contribute money to a non-essential expense or charitable giving.
I gave $50 because that’s what I could reasonably give without it cutting into life money. Now I feel a little guilty for buying that nasty Caravelle…but it’s a C-case, so Alex would want me to have it!!😗
I'm back on the forum after a hiatus and stunned by the news. I wish Alex a continued fast recovery, courage and perseverance. Hope to see you in December at GTG. Godspeed.
Now I'm headed to the Go Fund Me page.
Just think of it as buying Alex a couple of beers, you won’t miss it😊
Good evening all. The GoFundMe for Alex received $1,380 yesterday from 9 OF members. Thank you! We’re still a long way from our goal, but we’re getting there one contribution at a time. Alex is continuing with his physical, occupational and speech therapy. I’ll provide a more detailed update on his condition when I next hear from Martha. The link to the GoFundMe page is at the top of the thread. Thanks again to those who have donated.
I am stunned. Took some time off of the forum (for the most part) and am just learning about this. Prayers for Alex and family and well wishes for recovery!
Several more contributions from members put the fund balance for Alex at over $4,100 this morning. Thank you OF community for your continued support!
I briefly told of my unexplained quick healing as of course I wish that for Alex. I don’t know if it was a miracle or dumb luck perhaps it’s one of those things I’ll find out when I shuffle off this mortal coil. On the flip side after 8 months we just housed our first client in a program we were working on for people who became homeless due to medical issues. We had to include “high flyers” or those who frequent ER for medical care to get the deal done but I thought we did good getting a couple million usd grant. I knew it would be a drop in the bucket compared to the need but damn once the rubber hits the road and the talking is over the number of people we will be able to help is much less than projected.

Made me come back add some more for Alex the unexpected costs that pop up can’t be prepared for.

Good luck Alex I hope it’s a short journey back to baseline. Thank god you have a supportive family and I wish them peace in this trying time.

Thank you for contributing again and thanks to all of the other OF members who have contributed. If you haven’t contributed, please consider going to our GoFundMe page for Alex (the link is at the top of the thread), read about what happened to him, and make a contribution if you wish. Thank you.
Another $550 in contributions in the last 24 hours from four members. Thank you for your donations to help Alex. What a great community OF is!
Let’s keep this going for Alex!
Following through on that thought, I will put my money where my mouth is and match $0.25 USD for every $1 USD contributed for the next $5,000 USD received from other members starting NOW, so up to $1,250 from me. Alex is one guy. We have 88,000 members. We can do this.
Hey, we cracked $4K in donations!
Following through on that thought, I will put my money where my mouth is and match $0.25 USD for every $1 USD contributed for the next $5,000 USD received from other members starting NOW, so $1,250 from me. Alex is one guy. We have 88,000 members. We can do this.
That's incredible! I just did another small donation and I'm excited know that my you're able to match a portion of it.
Here’s the latest update from Alex’s Mom, Martha:

Good morning, Greg. I saw your text yesterday, forgot to respond right away, and then the day got going and I completely forgot. My apologies!
We are getting into the rehab routine that defines our week. Alex has therapy every M, W, and F with an hour each of speech, physical, and occupational therapy each time. There is no big discernible difference yet, but I think that goes to show that it’s a slow and steady process. His speech is still difficult, for him to say and for us to understand. He’s doing fine getting around at home. He’s as self-sufficient as possible considering that he still can’t really use his right arm and hand. The OT concentrates on his arm function, which is slowly improving. On Thursday Alex’s uncle and dad took him up flying in his uncle’s small plane, to upstate NY and back. We’re trying to get him out of the house for outings now and then for a change of scenery. Thanks for your continued support, and to the other forum members as well! Martha
And just a reminder for those who didn’t see my middle of the night post:

Following through on that thought, I will put my money where my mouth is and match $0.25 USD for every $1 USD contributed for the next $5,000 USD received from other members starting NOW, so up to $1,250 from me. Alex is one guy. We have 88,000 members. We can do this.
Up, up & away!

Few bucks sent. (That sounds ridiculous to my English ears)

Keep smiling Alex!