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Franken PAF Rail/Seamaster on sale at upcoming Monaco Legend Auction

  1. watchyouwant ΩF Clairvoyant May 19, 2024

    [You learn something new every day. Great concept.

    I have been keeping track of all publicly known PAF 2914-5's as as well as 135.004 and I'd say, from what I can tell (and extrapolate) based on the data I've collected, that the latter reference has about 25% more pieces available than the earlier reference.

    By that crude, rough approximation (not an exact science), I'd guess that the 135.004 was probably produced in the vicinity of 250 pieces (but don't quote me on that!).[/QUOTE]

    The PAF 135.004 was the version , I researched with John Diethelm at the Museum in Biel in the mid 1990's. Searched the Archives and there was not much known then . The transition from the Books to Microfiche to Computers was not that seamless , because it had to be done by humans. Once we traced 2 examples , the rest of the cache was easier to locate. To my knowledge, the exact number of issued pieces was not known . But more around 300 plus . No offer/presentation sheets to the Pakistanis surfaced . Unlike the presentation to the FAP . Which we found. During Service , case back swaps were rather common . (Like the Rolex Sub 5513 versus 5512 situation.) Now there are all kinds of Caseback engraving Fonts circulated. I rather stick with the Seamonster version , which should be worn and therefore crisp engravings do not fit ... Many have been relumed much later and due to the lume wells , water based Tritium in the pointed part of he wells dries differently to the wide part of these wells. They often show the middle indentation from that process .
    Omega FAP Catalogue.jpg
    Edited May 19, 2024
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