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  1. Kwijibo Nov 18, 2015

    ??? don't undesrtand
  2. Kwijibo Nov 18, 2015

    Sorry, I will use "these silly guys" :D
    former post edited
    abrod520 and STANDY like this.
  3. VictorAlpha Nov 18, 2015

    No problem with your English, I get what you mean. Irony aside, how the Irish were received after mass immigration is one thing. They got there emaciated and through their struggles made it work for them. One thing they did not do is start rioting and demanding that their host countries assimilate to them and their religious laws and culture. They gratefully accepted any chance or charity even if it wasn't handed over with deference and reverence. You living in France should have intimate knowledge of the rampages that have happened in french cities. (unless you are going senile ;))

    As for the video, this is one of many, just an example. You ask what state I would be in after traveling on an empty stomach piled in a rusty boat. I could tell you some stories, but all I'll say is I would accept what was given to me no matter how it was given. (I'd like to see evidence of the Hungarian police throwing food to them like animals as you claim) I would certainly weigh it up against getting beheaded by terrorists in the place where I came from. Further these guys are no emaciated refugees. I have also been involved in many extremely poor conflict torn areas and I know a refugee when I see one and I know a militant when I see one. These men aggressively intimidate the few "real" refugees you can see in the video who are trying to accept some other videos at border posts look like Hamas was uprooted and transported en masse to Europe with militants literally dragging kids and women by force (I dare say the real refugees) into the line of fire then posing for the MSM for propaganda pictures to show the world how the police treat the "refugees".

    No I'm no stranger to these tactics and I unfortunately have been exposed to them enough times to know exactly what is happening.
  4. VictorAlpha Nov 18, 2015

    Look this is an emotive issue for a lot of people including me over very tragic events. It seems like anyone who wants to put forward a viewpoint is welcome to, which is great. We all still have to "look each other in the eye" afterwards back on the sane threads though and it needs to be civil enough that other people may want to still read it. :thumbsup:
  5. Kwijibo Nov 18, 2015

    For your first paragraph. Even though many cities in Europe know some problem due too many factors that are too complex to discuss here. Culture, idleness, unemployement and so on, I work and live with muslims every day. A can tell you that most of them feel bad.
    I just try to keep a cool head in this crap. I just also begin to be a bit pissed off by the mediatic shows on TV. The "journalists" seem to have not an ounce of respect for the victims. Such a lack of perceptiveness if frightening. It makes me think of 2 things : Operation desert storm, post 9/11 events. As for the after 9/11 we know the rest...
    Let's be wise, calm, and keep free will.
  6. VictorAlpha Nov 18, 2015

    Agreed on the media. Wall to wall propaganda. Good luck to you, sounds like you are trying to do something positive for your fellow man. :thumbsup:
  7. Kwijibo Nov 18, 2015

    Just let me underline one thing. I didn't mean to be disripectful for Ireland or irish people of course. I was just teasing you a little. I just try to be a wise person ; not sure I am. I also guess that if we consider all muslims are suspect, the islamic state has already won. That is exactly what they are trying to do divide us. Most of my muslim fellow citizen are perfecty boaring : they have the same normal life as I have; making ramadan as I celebrate christmas, dumb one some things, nice on others, so : men... It's 'funny' because they other day I had to say to one of my muslim colleague "hm, calm down" because he was saying "we must kill all these bastards". For me he's french and happens to be muslim if you understand me.
    have a good day. One thing is fine, you make me practice my english. :)
    Matty01 likes this.
  8. ONEWATCH Irony embodied Nov 18, 2015

    These two boys were on our radar before they acted. Russia had warned us about the older boy and the info was not followed up on. Just like we were warned about 9/11 and we ignored that info also. It takes a real American like Timmy McVeigh to put a plot together under the radar. BTW, more Americans are killed by local terror groups than Muslim groups since 9/11. Wait, but they have a right to bare arms and use them against us.
  9. VictorAlpha Nov 18, 2015

    Never mind mate. The Irish have thick skins and invented most of the ridiculous Irish jokes anyway. If nothing else we can always have a good laugh at our own expense.

    Hopefully all right-thinking people will prevail in this matter. With the career politicians we seem to have across the board it looks like wishful thinking.
  10. Kwijibo Nov 18, 2015

    it's tempting to see the world in black or white. But the truth is that it's complex. I don't forget some factual things :
    - Veigh and the other guy who killed black people in a church a few months ago (i can't remember his name) were not muslims
    - the first victims of terorism are muslims themselvers (hundreds and thousands) : Algeria, Irak, Syria.
    - As long as we'll be so blind and naive on who is really financing these people : Saudi Arabia, and other persian gulf monarchies, nothing will change.
  11. i20rider Nov 19, 2015

    And a comment like that is why people will never learn.
    Say what you want but this horrible event could have been avoided
  12. Nobel Prize Spell Master! Nov 19, 2015


    Im not getting into the broader argument but your historic sense of the Irish people is grossly wrong.

    To say they didn't riot, or create havoc and just peacefully actually accepted their fate is just wrong, and depending on how you look at it also does injustice to their struggles.

    From the IRA In their land, which also acted internationaly ( like ETA in Spain) to the formation of crime syndicates all over the eastern USA, from the riots and gang wars and the four points crime wars in NYC to Tammany Hall and the government corruption to the Irish Mafia during prohibition...

    Look, not judging here, the Irish where considered in the US up to the 20th century one step above the blacks or more like one step to the right... They where vermin. And I'm not even getting into the treatment they got from the British government.... But to say they took it in stride is.... Well, weird, giving the historic record.

    The disenfranchised are always a good pool for violence and organized crime, or terrorism... We're not all that different.
    Edited Nov 19, 2015
    abrod520 likes this.
  13. chunkythebulldog Nov 19, 2015

    Why aren't all the mass school shootings avoided then? Or the murderous cinema rampages? Or the Church killings? etc etc etc
  14. JimInOz Melbourne Australia Nov 19, 2015

    This thread was intended to be somewhere we could offer our condolences and support to our friends in Paris, and France in general.

    It seems to have degenerated somewhat.

    I'm rather disappointed in the direction it's gone.

    If there is a need to discuss geopolitical/religious/racial issues, this isn't the place to do it.
    Traveler, Barking mad, Archer and 2 others like this.
  15. dsio Ash @ ΩF Staff Member Nov 19, 2015

    This is why we don't do gun politics here, that's what Facebook is for.
  16. Kwijibo Nov 19, 2015

    yes and no. Despite all the intelligence service work, you can't avoid theses things for sure. These fu....s learn how to hide like in any criminal organisation. In France we were warned that it might happen. When a gvt comes to warn people that such things can happen it means "we can't avoid all the risks and we tell you it will soon happen". I'm sad to say it will probably happen again soon. We've got "to do" with it along with being pitiless in our fight.
    i20rider likes this.
  17. STANDY schizophrenic pizza orderer and watch collector Nov 19, 2015

    I bought this when I was playing rugby in France in the 90s
  18. Geo! Nov 19, 2015

    Totally agree Jim.

    When I read the first post I knew where it would end up going. I personally would lock it and get back to talking about watches.
    chadpowe11 and Archer like this.
  19. Geo! Nov 19, 2015

    Spot on!
  20. Tony C. Ωf Jury member Nov 19, 2015

    I find all of these "not the time or place" comments to be absolutely mystifying.

    This isn't a funeral or a wake at which the discussion of the victim's demise might well be inappropriate – it's a public forum. Furthermore, I find the idea that it is somehow more respectful to murmur condolences than to discuss why such abhorrent violence happens, and how it might be stemmed, to be preposterous.

    Finally, I'll say it yet again: In 2014 there were over 17,000 – seventeen thousand – Shia civilians killed in Iraq, a high percentage by the brutal hands of ISIS.

    Given that fact, why are those victims apparently ignored by those who are so sensitive to the loss of a tiny fraction of people in France? And to those of you who claim that you are sensitive to the horrors continue unabated in Iraq, when, exactly, would be a the "right" time to discuss the issue?
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