·Lovely! I run a TD 145 through a McIntosh 1700.
I also have a TD165 as a backup turntable
Lovely! I run a TD 145 through a McIntosh 1700.
Anyone needs a restored TD147, let me know. 😁
Done with the gateway drug and working your way up the food chain? Always starts with a 147, then a 166, then a 165 or 125….all roads lead to the TD-124
Back in May, I purchased a Rotel RC1590MKii preamp to run with my Rotel RB1582 MKii amp and CM10’s. Recently I purchased/ installed a set Of Van Den Hul balanced XLR interconnects since both AMP and Pre offer them. The difference vs my AQ Evergreen RCAs was immediately apparent in terms of sound stage and dynamics. The CM10s have never sounded better. Before I dropped the cash, I did some research and found a lot of very polarized opinions for and against. I was able to get some very direct component specific advice from some engineering types that caused me to invest. So if you have gear that offers the XLR circuitry, go for it!
I'm not convinced fancy speaker wire is gonna make a big difference in any setup. But I haven't read the 52 pages prior to this one so I might be walking into a den of lions with that opinion. I could probably solidify my downfall and say I use Dirac Live room EQ and a DSP phono preamp (with optical out for galvanic isolation) as well, even though I listen to a lot of vinyl. It's sacrilege all the way down. 😉
I'm not convinced fancy speaker wire is gonna make a big difference in any setup. But I haven't read the 52 pages prior to this one so I might be walking into a den of lions with that opinion.
I'm not convinced fancy speaker wire is gonna make a big difference in any setup. But I haven't read the 52 pages prior to this one so I might be walking into a den of lions with that opinion. I could probably solidify my downfall and say I use Dirac Live room EQ and a DSP phono preamp (with optical out for galvanic isolation) as well, even though I listen to a lot of vinyl. It's sacrilege all the way down. 😉