··Omega Qualified Watchmakeras a fellow linnie, I know most of that will fly over everyone’s heads! I really wish they had the organik available for my katalyst Akurate DSM. They do have the PS upgrade available but it’s so expensive. Thinking about a selekt 5.1 for my tv system and that would give me another DS in the network (along with a kiko and sekrit dsi)
You never know - they tend to roll these upgrades through the model lines as time goes by, so it may get there eventually. It's not a cheap upgrade by any means, and even I questioned spending that much on it, but it was well worth the money.
Hard to believe I'm saying this, but Linn is going more and more "up market" with their pricing (as if they weren't already there!). The new Klimax monoblocks looks great, but the price tag is eye watering. I'll probably torture myself and give them a listen once the local audio pusher has them in to demo...but listen is all I'll do.