·That sounds interesting, I'll have to look into the PS upgrade. Mine has the tonearm rewired with an analog/ground outputs done by KAB. Also put a higher mass headshell with a HOMC Denon DL160. It did improve things and it fits my system in terms of being non-fussy and fun, if not a little sterile. Toyed with the idea of putting a SME 3009 on there but decided to stick with the Technics arm and make light mods (maybe a fluid damper later on). I'm guessing isolation or decoupling the deck will probably help too.
I had these footers on my 1200 and eventually migrated them over to a Denon deck (both take an M6 thread) which is in my parents system. My step father had polio so has the tremor- I gave him two semi-auto Denons which makes his life easier for listening to his record collection.