I'm not on Insta but I absolutely deplore the effect that these "influencers" are having on the watch market right now in hyping certain brands or models and distorting the market.
IMHO if a reviewer is being given free product in return for endorsement then they should be honest and state this in their review. As far as what they do with said product after they've reviewed it, that's their business. It's their property now so they can do whatever they want with it.
IG and this whole conversation makes me feel old. In part because I am not a huge fan of Insta and the “beautiful people” making easy money by being influencers. The idea of millions of others wanting to be like these frequently vapid and talentless stars makes me nauseous. But who is the bigger fool, me for disliking and not taking part or those bringing in money and sponsorships for what appears to be very little effort? If someone offered me easy money I would not turn it down.
It also makes me feel old because my reaction closely resembles the attitude of my parents and other grown ups towards the music and activities I liked growing up. And this makes me most uncomfortable.
And I’ve started now, so I have the need to really rant. As for the Kardashians etc who really do have huge wealth hawking “diet teas” that can actually be medically harmful is abhorrent. How much money do these people really need?
So with that, maybe I have officially turned into a grumpy, old, grown up.
To make this watch story worse - the “influencer” sold the watch to my buddy and the watch was dead on arrival. Literally didn’t work at all. It would run for a few minutes and then stop. It was like the rotor was stuck and the watch wouldn’t self wind. Instead of taking care of the broken piece of crap they just sold my buddy, my friend was asked to reach out to zodiac himself to fix it. This is where I come in. My buddy asked me what should I do? I told him to get his f***ing money back. He sent me his messages between he and the “influencer” and I was disgusted. He could literally see the emails where zodiac asked the “influencer” to hawk this piece just months earlier. Finally, he got his money back. What a racket!!
Two things: I need my application form for GROB
And am I the only one who is curious who this “influencer” mentioned by the OP is?
Old News. I'm an Influencer since the 80's. Long before the Internet. I influenced people to sell me their rare watches. They expected IC( InstaCash ) . Unfortunately that part, where the Influencer gets paid for his Influence , was not present. Hmm....., start again ? And what is the Kardashians ??
I'm big on Insta. It's really difficult to be so popular. I get at least 3 likes a day and it keeps growing and growing. I might hit 4 someday. It's good to be the king.
Followed you now. Lets get Shabbaz to go viral
Oh, and my first drill Sergeant.