Elon does it again but......


Not much of an article here but starlink could be massive. I actually tried to sign up for the Beta tester but I never heard back. I don’t know if it’s still available. Musk is going to spin off starlink as a separate company. He has said he will do his best to make “long term Tesla stock holders” have access to the ipo. He did not give a definition of “long term” but I am hearing anyone who has been in pre-split. But these revenue projections are just for internet access. I have not heard mention of the phone thing but in that old stock thread that has been locked I had posted that article about Tesla buying a phone company but it was very brief and my memory is pretty poor I was trying to find the article but have not been able.

I can also find other articles saying starlink won’t be a “cash cow but a cash burn” But if we don’t have the massive crash and full economic melt down during the starlink ipo it could be pretty wild. So that will be musks third company. I don’t know about cowboy hats and cattle but I worked with a friend of mine who started a small business and he put a lot of blood sweat and tears into doing so. He really put it all on the line it was very scary and stressful for him but he did quite well after a few very near failures so to me doing what Musk has done and continues to do is amazing to see. Sometimes he comes out with some weird statements but the fact he doesn’t spend a dime advertising Tesla is pretty amazing. Part of his genius I guess he has haters and fanboys I’m just impressed this dude will soon be running another multi billion dollar company perhaps a down side is key man risk but I think these guys with 10 billion and over are going to crack the genetics of aging and live a couple life times (Bezos and a few others are pouring money in a start up doing just that.) what’s the sense of having a couple million lifetimes worth of Money and gotta tap out at 80 or whatever. But I am waiting to hear the final say on the starlink ipo and if it’s available to pre split Tesla stock holders. Interesting times in which we live, well I mean the tech side not the other mess we dealing with.
Its a joke guys.
Not starlink that’s no joke. The phone part I think is a possibility I doubt if it does happen it would be 2022 but I wouldn’t rule out Tesla entering the phone space if starlink gives them the capability to do so or it could be a pure internet play but starlink will have its IPO.
Not starlink that’s no joke. The phone part I think is a possibility I doubt if it does happen it would be 2022 but I wouldn’t rule out Tesla entering the phone space if starlink gives them the capability to do so or it could be a pure internet play but starlink will have its IPO.

When you look at the words Elon has spoken and his aspirations for interplanetary travel and living then look at the various tech he has interests in and has developed they all seem to fit into this self proclaimed scheme of what he ultimately wants to achieve.

If you take this as his ultimate aim then it surely makes sense to secure the correct media for transfer of information and that is exactly where smartphone technology combined with Starlink and his other various tech enterprises a mobile phone of the type and breadth of tech revolution is only a logical progression and I assure you the likes of Apple will never do that nor the Samsungs of this world as these guys are never about innovation with all of their "innovation" being developed by others then rebranded by themselves, Elon doesn't do that.

I am not an Elon fanboy by any means but I do recognize his talent and genius.
Lot of mention on ecosystem and too many mentions of this word makes me suspicious. Launching a new phone and making sure developers get on board to develop new apps is not easy as Amazon, BB and MSFT found out. Even a layer to run Android apps did not get developers excited. Not sure if this real or just another marketing video. FB tried this and decided writing an Android skin was easier than developing a new phone
Lot of mention on ecosystem and too many mentions of this word makes me suspicious. Launching a new phone and making sure developers get on board to develop new apps is not easy as Amazon, BB and MSFT found out. Even a layer to run Android apps did not get developers excited. Not sure if this real or just another marketing video. FB tried this and decided writing an Android skin was easier than developing a new phone

I dont mind if he just tags into Android compatibility and app store, BB claimed thats what they were doing with the Passport and similar phones but that turned into a complete bust.
With my luck (long time BB and Microsoft phone user) it will turn to custard.
Lot of mention on ecosystem and too many mentions of this word makes me suspicious. Launching a new phone and making sure developers get on board to develop new apps is not easy as Amazon, BB and MSFT found out. Even a layer to run Android apps did not get developers excited. Not sure if this real or just another marketing video. FB tried this and decided writing an Android skin was easier than developing a new phone
The "ecosystems" in the video are Tesla Cars and a supposed brain interface... The video is a joke, and a lot of repost sites took a joke article and ran with it...
As rapidly as Musk brings new projects to fruition, there’s no telling how vast a Tesla ecosystem could become. I’m no fan (aside from the way he trolls people like crazy Senator Warren) but there’s no way I’d bet against him.
When you look at the words Elon has spoken and his aspirations for interplanetary travel and living then look at the various tech he has interests in and has developed they all seem to fit into this self proclaimed scheme of what he ultimately wants to achieve.

If you take this as his ultimate aim then it surely makes sense to secure the correct media for transfer of information and that is exactly where smartphone technology combined with Starlink and his other various tech enterprises a mobile phone of the type and breadth of tech revolution is only a logical progression and I assure you the likes of Apple will never do that nor the Samsungs of this world as these guys are never about innovation with all of their "innovation" being developed by others then rebranded by themselves, Elon doesn't do that.

I am not an Elon fanboy by any means but I do recognize his talent and genius.
I think I might disagree on the apple part. They have one of the best balance sheets in the business so close to a 3trillion dollar market cap and their wearables alone could be an SandP 500 company. I think apple doing satellites is not out of the realm of possibility in the future. There are over a billion apple products floating around the world. Enough for 1 in every 7 people to have one. That’s more infectious than Covid. That doesnt not mean I think it’s impossible for Tesla to get into phones if they choose. After the starlink ipo Musk will be able to add 10 of billions more to his personal wealth it will really get to the point where anything possible will be possible and maybe the impossible. But I would not write off apple if you think they are done innovating they are probably in the best position to dominate the metaverse. Now I am more frequently wrong than I am right about future predictions but Apple didn’t hire NASA and SpaceX engineers just to have a bigger pay roll
Elon is some legend, but i wish he would stay off socia media, the effects to which he can impact the share prices of TESLA isnt right
Elon is some legend, but i wish he would stay off socia media, the effects to which he can impact the share prices of TESLA isnt right
I agree with that especially that 420 debacle. But the SEC is a funny thing when the hedge funds were activity trying to short Tesla into the ground for their own enrichment the SEC was silent. I’m not saying two wrongs make a right or Elon should have manipulated his stock (the 420 thing was lubricous) but so much goes on I understood his disdain for the SEC.
I agree with that especially that 420 debacle. But the SEC is a funny thing when the hedge funds were activity trying to short Tesla into the ground for their own enrichment the SEC was silent. I’m not saying two wrongs make a right or Elon should have manipulated his stock (the 420 thing was lubricous) but so much goes on I understood his disdain for the SEC.
Shorting is legal, announcing a mystery buyer of the company at X share price by the chairman of the board when that doesn't exist is a different thing.
Shorting is legal, announcing a mystery buyer of the company at X share price by the chairman of the board when that doesn't exist is a different thing.
Shorting is legal and in some cases make perfect since. I did it myself when Uber had its IPO as it’s valuation was crazy and doing so got me out of a bad position I was in. When hedge funds make a planned effort to short a viable company out of existence and wipe it off the planet that is a different thing. They have done it with companies that were working on cancer treatments. That is a completely different matter. We saw it recently with GME and AMC. By the way I don’t typically do options and short things as that is too much gambling for me but I had been injured and was out of work during the Uber and Lyft ipos and it got me out of some difficulties. The crimes the banks and pharmaceutical companies pull in the name of profit (which they happily pay millions in fines for) is nothing compared to a tweet. Once again I’m not condoning bad action I’m just saying the SEC seems to have selective outrage and let’s these hedge funds run wild.
Musk is going to spin off starlink as a separate company. He has said he will do his best to make “long term Tesla stock holders” have access to the ipo. He did not give a definition of “long term” but I am hearing anyone who has been in pre-split.

Man I hope so. I am pre split by years. I think the only smart investment I ever made was buying Tesla at $25 and forgetting about it. It sure makes up for the other dumb things I've done. 🤪
Man I hope so. I am pre split by years. I think the only smart investment I ever made was buying Tesla at $25 and forgetting about it. It sure makes up for the other dumb things I've done. 🤪
I’m sure you heard the recent earnings and delivery # for Q4 Elon and crew hit it out of the park. (Again)
I’m sure you heard the recent earnings and delivery # for Q4 Elon and crew hit it out of the park. (Again)

Oh you mean that TSLA is up +110 today....didn't notice😉😁
I lke many things that Elon Musk does...not the Neuralink!!
If it used for people with problems like the paraplegic,that somehow will help them with their
problems, it is ok.
I would never use something like that inside my brain!!
What if he makes a mistake and recalls them 😜
I have worked for a couple of highly imaginative people. Both had ~20 ideas a day. For one of them 19 were good, but next morning 10 of those had been turned into something better. Of course they had to be implemented at my level and we had a team you could count on the fingers of 1-1/2 hands. The other? 19 of his 20 ideas would not fly and we were busy enough with developing his moment [*] of brilliance to sort the wheat from the chaff and rejected all 20. It's all very well having ideas but the idea-maker is not one of the people who have to make it work.

[*] Months of hawking it around anyone who might be interested/have money/programming resources. Eventually it all came together and it involved the first mentioned ideas man to make it work. Still in use and development 50 years from conception. A long life for commercial software. If you're driving by a newish power-station or big petro-chem installation give it a wave, it stands a good chance of being designed with what we did nearly 50 years ago 😜