Posts 6,754 Likes 21,804 M'Bob ·Jan 26, 2022 My chrono pusher eye is not super sharp on these… I believe the larger ones are correct, not the smaller ones, yes? And, would the smaller ones be for the earlier, 2998 reference…or do the actually belong on the concurrent Seamaster, like the 105.005? Many thanks.
Posts 173 Likes 683 collector1946 ·Jan 26, 2022 Both are incorrect, the "larger" ones seem to be "look a likes" the "smaller" seem to be modern service items
Posts 568 Likes 1,132 perenowell ·Jan 26, 2022 Arf… it seems that i need to work on the good / wrong / services/ fake pushers catalog… 📖 Is there any thread that explains all the differences?
Posts 9,217 Likes 24,051 oddboy ·Jan 26, 2022 speedmaster101 says 4.5x3.5 mm.... MWO isn't handy right now.