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  1. Arancio601 Mar 15, 2023

    I’m constantly amazed at the new threads about recently discovered watches found in drawers, old suitcases, grandma’s jewelry box etc, then a quest for information on said piece and it got me thinking. I’m a bit of a hoarder and have many collected items that often get forgotten about even by me! I am starting to think I should put a written note with some items in case my family have to clear my stuff for some unexpected reason. I’m only in my 40’s so hopefully no sudden health surprises around the corner but perhaps I need to think about all the crap I’ve accumulated and at least note what stuff shouldn’t get binned…

    I’m not ready to start hiding the kids’ inheritance in strange places just yet, but I’d like them to appreciate or at least understand some of the items I have collected over the years. Am I being too romantic hoping they might appreciate my things or just unrealistic?…
    My wife and I still thankfully have both our parents so yet to actually go through the process of clearing an estate so I wonder how overwhelming that process will be.
    Spruce and Mark020 like this.
  2. Pastorbottle Mar 15, 2023

    If no one is gonna appreciate your Alfas, you better give them to me! I’ll appreciate them :D
    Spruce likes this.
  3. Arancio601 Mar 16, 2023

    Ha! Kids have all ‘bagsed’ those. Each of them are getting their manual licenses so they can drive them.
    Spruce likes this.
  4. pdxleaf Often mistaken for AI... Mar 16, 2023

    It was overwhelming for us. Of course, each family is unique, as is each individual.

    In general, your kids will learn what is valuable to you by what they see. Could be a watch, maybe a beat up old chair.

    They will decide themselves if it is important unless you tell them, either in notes or instructions. If it isn't written down or they've never heard you say why it's important to you, they won't know. Even then, what's important to you may still not be the same as what was important to you. Think of yourself and your parents, do you want all their possessions?
  5. Arancio601 Mar 16, 2023

    I’m getting your point about all the factors. It reminded me that when my wife’s grandmother died there was actually a falling out by some of the extended family over who got her cookbook. Pretty sure photocopiers were around then…

    And yes, my in-laws have kept crockery and cutlery from when they got married along with everything since so I do dread that day and have encouraged them to downsize but I think it will be left to us to sort. Perhaps that will be the catalyst for me to reassess my ‘stuff’.
    pdxleaf and Mark020 like this.
  6. Pastorbottle Mar 16, 2023

    I’ll just have to settle for the watches then! :D
    Arancio601 likes this.