·I am a "Gen X" guy and I feel old saying this but most kids today here in the US don't really appreciate or understand history. I may go to Normandy next year and they offer multi day D-Day tours.
My mom's dad arrived in the ETO a few weeks after D day. He was a young tank commander as a SSgt. I have the Mauser Kar 98 he brought back as a souvenir. Once home, he had no interest in that old German rifle, and he NEVER, not once, discussed he war.
We lost my dad's dad during the first month after the landing. Never could get the details, and many of those records were destroyed by a massive fire in St. Louis where millions of files were stored. We owe them all a debt we cannot possibly repay. (trite, I know, but true) Below a photo and note for my mother who was 3 at the time. I think they all thought they were very cool wearing the "Ike jackets."
With regard to what those boys went through in the moments leading up to the dropping of that ramp on their landing craft, the moment they hit the water, tried to make their ways to shore, watching many of their good friends die almost immediately, scared beyond any fear we could imagine, (short of being in combat) and this was just the very beginning if they were lucky enough to survive the first few hours, we will never be able to relate. I heard Saving Private Ryan is being aired today, and if you've seen it, the sequence near the beginning in which the landing is re-created must be the closest anyone could come to experiencing that horror from home. It is an incredibly emotional and intense scene. And the scenes of the aged John Ryan character at the cemetery bring tears to my eyes no matter how many times I've watched. Great movie.If you can watch that scene and not get a little choked up, well, it's very moving. The opening scene is just as powerful. Seeing that cemetery filled with American boys buried in France makes me immensely proud to be an American.
Don't sweat it. He is not our 'leader', he is just the person who is currently President for another year (or maybe 5).
Its a shame that so many these days overlook this immense sacrifice that was made for our freedom
I The fact is other than Pearl Harbor the US did not suffer bombings, raids, etc. that had an everlasting impact on many European countries.