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·Hey there I'm a new member and also just got into watches 3 days ago I was never really one for watches..but I'm currently away living with my uncle and a few days ago he came home from work and he came over to me and said here I want you to have it and it was a cyma watch he said it needs to be restored but it would be a nice watch if you get it done by someone that knows how to do it...when he gave it to me I thought it was really nice and was kinda excited to restore it back to new but after spending 3 days and many hours on the internet I cant really find anything out about it all I had to go on was the name on the face cyma so I decided to take the back off it and that's when I saw that the watch dosen't take batterys I thought that was different then I looked inside and said wtf theres alot going on in there like mind blowing..so I wasn't really sure what I was doing but I just kinda figured maybe try and turn the crown to see if it would do anything and that's when I saw everything moving and it looked so cool to see it all working I love the cyma watches so much now I cant wait to restore it and start collecting them... what I need help with the most is information about the watch if anyone can help me I would really appreciate it I'm trying to figure out the year it was made a ruff idea of what I would pay to restore it back to new but keep it with original parts if it needs anything because the only thing I saw broken was the second hand inside the face it's just sitting in there unfortunately...maybe a website to get the part because I cant find much online mainly because I'm new to this and do not have a clue...I took a few pictures hopefully someone here could help me out all I could make out inside the watch was 15 or 18 jewels.the word swiss..and on a gear it says cyma with two x on it.. there looks like a 5 or 6 numbers maybe the SN but cant make it out need to get a better picture..I know its gonna probably cost alot and probably not worth it but I would like to keep it because my uncle gave it to me looking forward to getting this fixed soon hou