·Hello Mark II experts,
Trying to decide between a new Mark II and a vintage one. I am leaning towards an original one since I generally prefer vintage so I figured I would start here for guidance. I have conducted numerous searches and learned a lot but still have much more to learn. Probably easiest to just list questions so here goes.
1. I want to wear this regularly for a long time so serviceability needs to be addressed. Since it is an 861 am I right in thinking that most (if not all) movement parts are either still being made or a functionally equivalent 1861 part will be available?
2. Are there any case parts like gaskets, crystals, pushers ... that are either no longer available or cost crazy money if you need them? My vintage cars and guns always seemed to have one golden part that if it goes you better just find a donor so I figured I would ask.
3. Are there things I need to look for regarding service parts dials, hands etc that may have been changed which may improve the appearance but reduce the value to a collector and thus should reduce my asking price relative to a more correct example? Are aftermarket parts an issue?
4. Other than cases that have been refinished poorly (which from what I have seen is a large number of them) are there any other problems that are systemic?
5. Most of the bracelets I have seen are seriously stretched out. Can these be restored or is there a contemporary replacement that matches the watch well.
Thanks in advance for the help.
Trying to decide between a new Mark II and a vintage one. I am leaning towards an original one since I generally prefer vintage so I figured I would start here for guidance. I have conducted numerous searches and learned a lot but still have much more to learn. Probably easiest to just list questions so here goes.
1. I want to wear this regularly for a long time so serviceability needs to be addressed. Since it is an 861 am I right in thinking that most (if not all) movement parts are either still being made or a functionally equivalent 1861 part will be available?
2. Are there any case parts like gaskets, crystals, pushers ... that are either no longer available or cost crazy money if you need them? My vintage cars and guns always seemed to have one golden part that if it goes you better just find a donor so I figured I would ask.
3. Are there things I need to look for regarding service parts dials, hands etc that may have been changed which may improve the appearance but reduce the value to a collector and thus should reduce my asking price relative to a more correct example? Are aftermarket parts an issue?
4. Other than cases that have been refinished poorly (which from what I have seen is a large number of them) are there any other problems that are systemic?
5. Most of the bracelets I have seen are seriously stretched out. Can these be restored or is there a contemporary replacement that matches the watch well.
Thanks in advance for the help.