Tried 25.05M to 25.95M and it matches 145.012-67...
MWO has a great page to check serial numbers for Speedmasters here:
Seamaster chrono ?
Well, unfortunately your research will end here. At least with the help of omega. As long as you do not send a picture of the correct watch referring to the serial to Omega, they will not issue you with an extract.
I wonder if I should try to find why I have 25.8m in my 145.012-67 or just ask for a refund or finally it is not a big deal as it seems to be period correct.
There have been blank bridges circulating lately. I am afraid that could be one of them reengraved with whatever serial... 🙁 I don’t like the way those numbers have been placed there.
It's a very big deal, these aren't watches of a couple hundred euros. I'd seriously advise you to get a refund ASAP if that is possible. If the dealer is as 'trusted' as you say, then he shouldn't have a problem doing what's right, especially if it's a recent purchase.
There are loads of correct 145.012's out there and trying to sell this one down the line will not be easy if you want to see anything like your purchase price back again.
Of course if this issue was priced in when you bought it (?) then it's another story