Several years ago I inherited a box of mostly Elgin pockets watches. A couple months ago I dug them out of their resting place to try and get a better look at exactly what each one is, of the 20 some pieces, 2 actually run. This one runs erratically, and surely has not be serviced in a very long time as evidenced by all of the dirt inside the movement.
Picked up last year just before or during our move. It was the year of the expansion wing for pocket watches at The Home For Wayward Watches and all caused by TexOmega, Canuck, and all you other fine denizens of this thread.
A wind indicator Waltham Vanguard from 1924.
This photo was a retake later this afternoon.
Escaped from the safe this evening and my apologies for this one popping up again but when you only have a couple of pw's 🙁
There really is no reason that you should feel you have to apologize for showing your Elgin, any time it pleases you to do so! I don’t recall if you have given us the movement s# so we can check the pocketwatchdatabase site to find out more about it.