Several months ago, I got a phone call from one of the watch repair fraternity in town, enquiring if I had a regulator arm for a Hamilton, 18-size, grade 940 pocket watch. He was servicing his customer’s pocket watch, and lost the regulator arm. After days of sweeping, probing with magnets, and otherwise scouring his shop, he was not able to find the part. I took a look at the watch while in his shop, and thought to myself that I had the part he needed. When I got to my shop, I checked. I have a totally ratched Hamilton grade 940 which long ago was relegated to “parts only” status, and I had the regulator arm he needed. I phoned him, and told him that I had the part. He told me he wanted to buy it. I told him that I don’t sell antique watch parts, but I would supply the part IF I got the whole job! Not what he wanted to hear!
There are four different regulators in the parts list, for Hamilton 18-size movements. I gave him the part number for the part he needed, and suggested he try eBay, vintage watch parts suppliers, etc. He did. He found the part he needed, but the price was $185.00 (U S $), plus exchange, plus brokers fees, plus shipping. And there were no guarantees it would be the correct part, or condition.
His customer was losing patience, and put the bee on him as to when the watch would be done! He phoned me in desperation, and said the job was mine. I brought it to my shop, and checked it over. ROUGH! Someone had made a mess of the balance wheel, it was filthy, and there was a bent balance pivot. I phoned him back and declined the job. He told me to do my best with it, no guarantee, and he promised there would be no follow up. He just wanted it running, so he could get it back to his customer, NO guarantee!
I did the job. It turned out far better than I expected it would. For the price I charged him, I didn’t replace the balance staff, so it was not possible to poise the balance wheel, but it now runs true and flat, and has been within two minutes in the last week. Not good enough if the job had come to me originally, or if the watch was being added to my collection, but good enough under the circumstances. I turned out rather well. I charged him $300.00 (Cdn.).
The arrow on the one picture points to the regulator arm I supplied.
In your opinion, should I have sold him just the part?