·To good to melt! I sick of scummy money hungry pricks wanting to melt every bloody thing down!
To good to melt! I sick of scummy money hungry pricks wanting to melt every bloody thing down!
On the topic of Elgins, I’ll take the liberty of showing this one again. From my wife’s family. The watch had belonged to her grandfather’s third wife’s first husband (complex, I know!). When he died, the widow wanted the watch to be buried with him, in his vest pocket. After the ceremony, but before the interment, the funeral director removed it from the pocket. Some weeks later, after burial, the funeral director gave the watch back to her! She was pist! The style is called an “opera” watch, wrist watch movement in a pocket watch case of 14-karat white gold. It came to me after the old family initial had been removed. I gold soldered three holes in the case and fitted our family initial set with 0.50 carats of diamonds. Circa 1920s.
And here an English watch from the 1820s (Date letter is too rubbed for clear identification). The balace is very unusual in that it has screws and five spokes. It was presented to me by a great collector friend. 😀
And here an English watch from the 1820s (Date letter is too rubbed for clear identification). The balace is very unusual in that it has screws and five spokes. It was presented to me by a great collector friend. 😀
So much to say about that one. Undersprung hairspring, aquamarine or rock crystal “Liverpool windows”, ruby end stone on the balance staff, exquisite condition for a 225 year old watch. All "yes" No “bull’s eye” on the glass, might seem to not have the typical pair case it is a hunter, so not too common, lever escapement (?) yes, fusee (?) yes, maker’s name(?) John Harrison, steel balance wheel(?) yes, no latch on the front cover no, a latch for opening the hunter lid, and no push button on the pendant(?) There is a push button for opening the hunter lid. The rear lid is opened (for winding) with a finger nail. Same with the bezel (for setting). Comments and questions.
See above 😉
Do you know if it utilizes a Massey escapement? I see that the cock is marked "patent," and my understand of early nineteenth century English watches suggests that this was usually reserved for Massey escapements.
Call me odd, but I would prefer that my cock was left unmarked!