M Posts 2 Likes 0 Mygal ·Jul 11, 2023 Hi everyone! I am new here and I just want to ask you if this watch is real. I know these are very common for faking but i think they are real. (sorry for my bad english)
Posts 8,709 Likes 14,606 efauser ·Jul 11, 2023 The lighter is absolutely real. As for the watch, it may be a real watch but it's not a real Omega watch.
M Posts 2 Likes 0 Mygal ·Jul 11, 2023 efauser The lighter is absolutely real. As for the watch, it may be a real watch but it's not a real Omega watch. Thanks bro
Posts 16,633 Likes 34,929 JimInOz ·Jul 11, 2023·Melbourne Australia Ball watch is fake. https://omegaforums.net/threads/ple...-item-s-and-seller.7699/page-123#post-2205257