river rat
·On my Technos skydiver the crystal split in a circle. So, I bought one of those replacement ones from eBay from Hong Kong. Guess what after about four months it did the same thing. There the best looking but I bought the watch from seller in Hong Kong so it might have had the same replacement don't want an instant replay at 50 bucks a pop plus 50 shipping that shipping seems like a rip off. Have ordered a GS diver-tite and a Sternkreuz diver acrylic crystal but no magnifier hoping the dome match. But if anyone know of a acrylic diver dome with magnifier replacement crystal let me know.
Photo's of the crystal that came with the watch.
Funny split
Replacement crystal from eBay from Hong Kong see new split same place between the 9 and 6 starting the circle split think the replacements from Hong Hong are defective avoid. Hate to use a none-magnifier but the closes ones I can find don't have them so if anyone knows of a replacement crystal that's a match with dome and magnifier let me know those replacement ones from Hong Kong if I remember no tension ring might be why they split.
Photo's of the crystal that came with the watch.
Funny split
Replacement crystal from eBay from Hong Kong see new split same place between the 9 and 6 starting the circle split think the replacements from Hong Hong are defective avoid. Hate to use a none-magnifier but the closes ones I can find don't have them so if anyone knows of a replacement crystal that's a match with dome and magnifier let me know those replacement ones from Hong Kong if I remember no tension ring might be why they split.