Anyone else collect knives?

A $75 product is all you need.

Good stuff, I was going to ask you for a recommendation of the sharpeners, so this Spyderco sharpener is the best buck for the bang in your opinion?
Bench made that I bought almost exactly a year ago.

I never knew how useful a pocket knife could be until I started carrying one.

Truth be told though, I love my knife, it’s ergonomics and how it looks and all, but I was hoping it would retain its original sharpness a little longer than it did.

I haven’t made time to take it somewhere to be sharpened, but I will soon!
Good stuff, I was going to ask you for a recommendation of the sharpeners, so this Spyderco sharpener is the best buck for the bang in your opinion?

Cant beat it. Best thing is the video you get with it. Or if you watch a few online YouTube videos

another good one is a Lansky below.

I use flat wet stones but I was a butcher for 20 years 😉
Good for Benchmade!

Counterfeit Goods Acknowledgment
Please read and sign the following Counterfeit Goods Acknowledgment and include it with your knife in order to ensure that your Repair Request is processed.
By signing this Counterfeit Goods Acknowledgement and by sending in your knife for repair, you agree to the following:
(a) If a knife returned for warranty work is found to be an actual or suspected counterfeit or replica item, Benchmade shall have the right to impound the knife for further investigation of its authenticity. Benchmade shall not be liable to you, or anyone else, for payment of the price of any suspected counterfeit knife under investigation. If Benchmade, in its sole discretion, determines that the knife you returned for repairs is a counterfeit, Benchmade has the right to permanently impound and/or destroy the knife. Knives determined to be counterfeit will not be returned to you.
(b) Benchmade shall have the right to conduct destructive examinations to verify the authenticity of any knife Benchmade receives which it suspects to be a counterfeit. Benchmade shall not be liable to you, or anyone else, for the price of any knife destroyed by examination if it is later found to be a counterfeit.
(c) Benchmade’s investigation may include the participation of third parties or governmental investigative agencies as required by law. By signing this Counterfeit Goods Acknowledgement and by sending in your knife for repair, you agree to cooperate in good faith with any investigation conducted by Benchmade, third parties, and/or governmental agencies, including, but not limited to, cooperating with investigations to identify the seller or source of the counterfeit goods by providing the name, location, and other identifying information about the seller.
Signature: _______________________________________ Date: _______________________ Printed Name: ___________________________________
Rev. 11/1/18
Any suggestions on a knife better than my bench made but that is less than say $600?

look at microtech. I carried benchmades for both my deployments and for a couple years after. But once I went to microtech, I’ll never buy another bench made. They’re a definite step up, but not much more expensive (depending on model)
I've got a few different knives which I'll have to post, but this is a really special one that arrived a few days ago.
Made in 1959/60, it's a Puma White Hunter from Germany.
Incredibly it has never been used and has sat in it's box for 60 years!!!
The green powder you can see is from the old packaging in the box to protect the blade and literally turned to powder.
Even the leather sheath is so fresh and clean that it looks like it was made yesterday

I remember this knife from when I was a kid and wanted one very badly.
I haven’t seen either of these in the thread, so I thought I would add them. The Randall was my fathers who was UDT (Underwater Demolition Team). These were the Navy SEALS before there were SEALS and SCUBA gear. He wore this knife while doing boat patrol around the USS Missouri during the surrender. He also had a Kabar that I broke while using it to chop tree branches. He was not happy. The other is from my Navy days the Buck Folding Hunter. Everyone had one and worked it so you could open it with a flick of the wrist. The Video is Bo Randall making knives.

Actually most schools would not allow scissors with any sort of pointed blade.
Many will allow only the plastic scissors with metal blade inserts. Barely able to cut a sheet of construction paper.

Don't think these have been mentioned. 1896 Swedish Mauser bayonet. We could buy these for less than 8 USD years ago, sans scabbard. Price has gone up since then.
I've had two, one I gave to a friend. The one I kept is still in NOS condition other than being sharpened and given a mirror finish to the blade.

Takes and holds a razor edge, needle sharp point, steel probably too hard for a proper bayonet blade but a good knife.
I use a hard rubber plug to seal the hollow grip and wrapped the grip in suede pigskin with a waxed cord wrap over the pigskin.
In a survival mode the hollow haft would make it easy to fit a shaft to turn it into a spear.

I think this meme would be more effective if it compared a little folder which is clearly designed as a tool and way less effective a weapon than a pair of scissors. This Opinel folder would be illegal to take on California school grounds. It has a blade that locks and exceed 2.5 inches in length. The knife in the meme could be used as an effective weapon, and is certainly a better weapon than the scissors. I would pick the scissors over the Opinel in a fight.

New glow in the dark scales from Germany (only took 2 months)

What a cool, inspiring and educative thread! Before this thread I never paid attention to spyderco, now I got all curious about them.
I don`t collect knives, but always felt like a primal attraction to them. Did not find much about Cold Steel in this thread, but I like them very much. Compared to watches, they are maybe not even Casio, but I am pleased with my AUS 8 and san may VG 1 steel.
What a cool, inspiring and educative thread! Before this thread I never paid attention to spyderco, now I got all curious about them.
I don`t collect knives, but always felt like a primal attraction to them. Did not find much about Cold Steel in this thread, but I like them very much. Compared to watches, they are maybe not even Casio, but I am pleased with my AUS 8 and san may VG 1 steel.

Nothing wrong with Cold Steel or Aus 8 😉

Spyderco is the steel junkies dream. In the last 10 years steel has changed with options galore. And so many premium steels

Start with a Spyderco PM2 or even better a Spyderco Gayle Bradley 2


Spyderco Gayle Bradley 1

You will get it after that.
Wow, thank you, @STANDY for the cool link and for your educated advice. There is so much to learn about steel when someone is as ignorant about it as I am. Here in Switzerland I do not have access to the entire Spyderco collection, and the prices from imported steel are here quite high compared to other countries.

I did find the PM, the Bradley and the Delica, which you also recommended some pages before. The Bradley, for example, costs here about us$ 350, what I find quite pricey for a pocketknive, but the Delica is half that price and the more I learn about it, the more I like it.

Is there something like a knive-bug or something? I think I just got infected...
What a cool, inspiring and educative thread! Before this thread I never paid attention to spyderco, now I got all curious about them.
I don`t collect knives, but always felt like a primal attraction to them. Did not find much about Cold Steel in this thread, but I like them very much. Compared to watches, they are maybe not even Casio, but I am pleased with my AUS 8 and san may VG 1 steel.

Nice EDC torch!
Two that both use the material Delrin.
Sears craftsman pocket knife from 1977 - for handles and Omega Speedmaster Professional - for chronograph brake (inside).

(Sorry for posting this again 😉.)
Or just buy H1 knives that don’t rust