·I’ve got to say I don’t get the woke concern with this (and several other things). Don’t forget, plenty of fans were up in arms about Craig when he was announced as the new Bond - “he’s too
Blonde, he’s not tall enough, he’s not a leading man, he’s nothing like Connery”. All these concerns were proven to be unfounded.
The only thing I think should be out of bounds is gender and nationality - James Bond should be a man. An English man. But, he can easily be an ethnicity other than white or a sexuality other than straight. Isn’t James Bond meant to represent the crème of the British Navy and armed services? Do people really think there’s only straight white guys in the military?
So if Bond suddenly went went from being a white hetro bloke to a black queer woman then that is too much change at once. If they switch gender then so long as that's the only change they make at the time that's fine, indeed she could be one of his many no doubt illegitimate daughters. but one change at a time! The challenge is finding the right person for the job.
Actually if the story line did change to his daughter then maybe she could be mixed race, and qureer, but I think that is probably to much too soon, but if the daughter's character was to develop over the next few installments, she could go from we we percieve as mixed race hetro to bi and finally displaying a lezzo preference as the movies progress through the franchise.
So long as the Aston Martin isn't dumped in favour of a bloody Tesla! It's not the car it's who and what it represents.
But it's not my money behind it, so what do I care!