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A positive case for the new Tudor BBGMT

  1. The Father Went out for smokes in ‘78 not seen since Aug 21, 2018

    So the problem with GMT is the date window which in my opinion it could have done without. I assume the date window was to add value to the Tudor. Anyway, a damn shame with this problem on a good looking desirable watch
  2. GBTRIUMPH Aug 21, 2018

    I like and have extensively used dates most of my life. I don't like obnoxious lens tumors glued on the crystal. The lack thereof made this watch very attractive to me. The restraint and subdued colors, font, and overall design is very good looking, easy to read, and versatile in the wardrobe.

    My Fossil has no problems with dates. (built by Chinese)
    My Shinola has no problems with dates. (built by ex-convicts in Detroit)
    My Tudor (and others' Rolex?) has problems with dates. (built by Swiss in Switzerland...or so they say...maybe Swiss ROBOTS?)

    Whether fair or not, this will be a HUGE black eye for the formerly resurgent Tudor brand. Losing functionality (date change) means you are incompetent for those requirements. That is the way it will be viewed even though the issue could be improper assembly procedures. (e.g. too much oil). Tudor will need to sweeten the bad taste in consumers' mouths now, somehow. I would be hard pressed to ever buy another Tudor. My family's 6 Omega (Omegae?) all run flawlessly. Silly me.
    Edited Aug 21, 2018
    Interstellar likes this.
  3. stevec14 Aug 22, 2018

    I was simply giving you the benefit of my experience with the same issue - it was not meant to annoy you.

    Some others on the Rolex forum side have tried the same and it appears to resolve the issue, but equally I get the point about wanting Tudor to do it.

    You have no worries on the warranty. A few have already had done and Tudor/Rolex are aware and it seems a quick turnaround.

    It’s not the first movement to have an issue and I’m sure it won’t be the last unfortunately, but yes I agree these things should be caught. However, many are running without issue so assume it might be a certain batch.
    Ssunnylee24 and GBTRIUMPH like this.
  4. dwboston Aug 22, 2018

    I doubt it will result in a long-term issue for Tudor. Most owners have no idea forums like this exist and only buy the watch because they like how it looks. Only a small percentage will likely have issues with the watch, which will get sorted out under warranty. It's disappointing to have something brand new with an issue like this but it will get fixed and life, and the brand, will go on.
  5. Albe100 Aug 22, 2018

    Great review. How do you feel about the various shapes in the hands? That is the only thing that puts me off this watch, the rest of it is great, i really enjoy the subdued bezel colour, giving it that vintage feel.
    GBTRIUMPH likes this.
  6. GBTRIUMPH Aug 22, 2018

    Please forgive my lack of graciousness. I should be better than that. I believe you are correct in your assessment. It is sad that this happened to Tudor at this time. I seem to recall issues with the original 2500 co-axial Omega. That was a black eye for Omega and the Co-axial design (and the issue spawned 2 component design changes) which still occasionally taints people's opinions. This may be a lubrication issue as one commenter stated. This batch may have been tainted because they programmed the robot incorrectly. Nevertheless, I am afraid this will be remembered as a "MAJOR FLAW" as opposed to a "minor glitch".

    On a separate, but related note...

    My niece married a man who will only buy Toyotas. He claims they are the best in the world for dependability and never break down. JD Powers disagrees significantly. People who are so dogmatic that they fail to see flaws or cover them up (intentionally or not) cannot be trusted for valid opinions (e.g. niece's husband). As a contrast to this you, Stevec14, (carbon 14?) pointed out an honest Rolex flaw and just illustrated my point wonderfully with your example. Rolex people always claim they never have a problem. They deal with the problems they DO have so nonchalantly, that they don't recognize them as a flaw in the product or its manufacture. You have to be an "insider" to see these things. People gloss over, forget, or intentionally hide flaws in their favorite brands' products. Rolex, Toyota, and Harley-Davidson are examples of mindless loyalty. I love Omega, but I am aware of flawed products...and avoid purchasing them. To be transparent, it helps to submit warranty claims to create an honest "paper trail". The problem is...does anyone outside of the automobile industry publish warranty claims data?
    amiriqbal likes this.
  7. GBTRIUMPH Aug 22, 2018

    You tend to not notice the odd shapes as you use the watch day-to-day...they become inconsequential.
    amiriqbal likes this.
  8. stevec14 Aug 22, 2018

    Not a problem at all. It’s interesting though isn’t it. Rolex certainly do have issues (in fact, there are a few date mechanisms with issues on the Rolex side currently). My take on these things is that with any mass produced product, there will be occasional glitches. I’m fortunate that I’ve not been on the wrong side of one so far. I also tend not to sweat this kind of thing, as I’ve had plenty of dealings with RSC and while having an issue is a pain in the proverbial, I know they will sort it (I am certainly not the typical Rolex fanboy btw).

    I don’t think this will be a major issue for Tudor going forward though. I suspect that’s why the next batches of delivery have dried up - so they can sort whatever issue it is. Sure, it’s not great but ultimately these things do, and will happen. Today’s news is tomorrow’s chip paper and all that.

    As for my fix, I was fairly peeved when my date played up and had every intention of sending in to get fixed upon return from holiday. However, while on holiday I decided to give the advice of someone else a shot and it worked. I figure I have 2 years to send it in if it starts playing up again and I suspect Tudor know exactly which batch of serials are playing up (if indeed it is not all). Touch wood, it’s been over a month now and all is well again. That’s not me covering up a flaw - That’s me trying something out on advice of another and it working. In fact, I was one of the first to raise the date issue on the Rolex side and would have been fully prepared to take it in but I’d rather not be without the watch for a period of time.

    While it’s not been ideal, it would be a shame if this ruined your ongoing enjoyment of what is a tremendous watch at the price point (and bloody good looking too). I will add that the Tudor in house movements I have had are more accurate than my Rolex (and omega).

    Fingers crossed for a speedy turnaround and fix.
    amiriqbal and GBTRIUMPH like this.
  9. GBTRIUMPH Aug 22, 2018

    I seldom have worn a new watch as much as this one. I hope it turns around swiftly. I hope there are no further issues with my watch nor anyone else's. I would really like to see Tudor give Omega some competition. (amagnetic properties, efficiency, etc.) That circumstance improves the breed for all of us. I really like having both. ;-)
    stevec14 likes this.
  10. stevec14 Aug 25, 2018

    To update you on this, Sod’s law has struck. My watch has been fine for the last month but has started jumping 2 days again. Into RSC it goes next week. They quoted 4 weeks, but hoped it could be sooner than that.

    Frustrating, but no biggie and looking forward to getting it fixed.
    GBTRIUMPH likes this.
  11. dwboston Aug 25, 2018

    Disappointing that they've had problems right out of the gate with this watch - it looks so impressive and is a relative bargain vs. competitors with similar features. Hard to believe that this issue didn't crop up in pre-release testing, but I guess it's possible. Hope they get it sorted out.
    GBTRIUMPH likes this.
  12. GBTRIUMPH Aug 25, 2018

    I'm beginning to think the pre-release testing was accomplished on watches not completed on the exact production assembly line/process/procedure that true commercial products were produced on.
  13. Davidt Aug 25, 2018

    Based on what?
  14. dwboston Aug 26, 2018

    A nontrivial number of watches released to the public with a defect that should have been caught during pre-release testing? It's as good an explanation as any, unless the real explanation is that the quality control for Tudor is lacking/less rigorous due to the more "affordable" pricing.
    GBTRIUMPH likes this.
  15. dwboston Aug 30, 2018

    Rolex boutique in Paris has a Tudor GMT for sale in the display window. Price is €3950 on the bracelet. Not sure if that includes VAT. It looks better in person than in photos.
    GBTRIUMPH likes this.
  16. Davidt Aug 30, 2018

    There's no evidence for that theory though.

    You may as well say "I'm beginning to think aliens captured and deliberately sabotaged loads of these GMTs".

    No ones disputing the fact there's been a lot of anecdotal evidence of an issue with the date change, but it's a big leap to say Tudor tested non-production line watches.

    Surely the obvious answer is that it's just a snagging issue with a new movement. No huge conspiracy, it just happens.
    ICONO and stevec14 like this.
  17. The Father Went out for smokes in ‘78 not seen since Aug 30, 2018

    Let see now, 3950 Euros will be $4600 USD. What is the VAT tax rate? Bless the sales tax free internet sales in most cases. Still have one on order at $3800. Will see if it materializes. 1-3 month wait. Hell, I don’t care if the date runs backwards as long as time is correct.
    GBTRIUMPH likes this.
  18. GBTRIUMPH Aug 30, 2018

    No one said anything about aliens, sabotage, nor conspiracy. Rush to production is the implication of the evidence. The evidence is many people WORLDWIDE sending their watches in for warranty repair for the exact same issue. Many people so far who THOUGHT they were going to "dodge the bullet" on this issue were wrong. I am one of those, and actually went into denial blaming myself before realizing it wasn't me. Watch is sent back. Shipment of all new pieces was halted weeks ago. For every person who ADMITS they sent their brand new $3-5,000 watch for warranty repairs, there are 20 or more too embarrassed to admit it. When I purchase an expensive product NOTHING BAD should "just happen". I have paid for the privilege of NOTHING BAD "just happening". When shipments of new products have been halted by the manufacturer, it is NOT "anecdotal". You can bet they are NOT shrugging their collective shoulders saying "it just happens".
    stevec14 likes this.
  19. Davidt Aug 31, 2018

    I'm not sure why your shouting.

    If you expect that paying top dollar for a watch/car/etc means nothing ever goes wrong you must be disappointed quite frequently.

    I'm not saying it's ok, not defending the manufacturer. One would like to think that there would be few/no issues from a newly released high end Watch. However, the fact is, it does happen, it isn't that uncommon for it to happen and they are taking watches back in the rectify the issue.

    I'm merely pulling you on your suggestion that they did pre-release testing on non production watches, as you have absolutely zero evidence fit that and before you know it it willl go from being 'internet theory posted by one guy in a thread', to 'indisputable fact because several thousand people read it on the internet'.
    stevec14 likes this.
  20. bonerp Aug 31, 2018

    I wonder if thats my my AD said theres an 18 month wait - cos Tudor knew a problem was brewing...
    Edited Aug 31, 2018
    GBTRIUMPH likes this.