·2023 marks my ninth year of spectacularly awful moustache growth.
I have proven beyond question that I am not good at growing a moustache.
But each year I remove the beardy mess that hides my double chin, and hand over my upper lip to a good cause for a full 30 days.
Now you may ask why I put myself, or indeed those I love through this - well, partially because I quite like it and it is the only time of the year that my long suffering partner will allow such silliness, but primarily because it announces to the world that I am raising money for the Movember Foundation - A leading charity that is changing the face of men’s health - And supporting their mission to stop men dying too young, of testicular cancer, prostate cancer, and through suicide.
This is a mission that I think is incredibly important.
Just looking at the simple numerical facts - Testicular cancer is the most common cancer in young men, prostate cancer the most common cancer in men overall, and suicide the biggest killer of men aged under 50 globally, with the loss of one man’s life every minute.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if no man had to lose their life to these three things?
I think so.
To help make this a reality, over the last few years I’ve grown moustaches and raffled off horological goodies with the support of some wonderful people and companies.
So far we’ve collectively raised £55,426
Which is epic. And thanks to the ongoing support of some truly fantastic friends continues in 2023.
However, this year, I’m doing things a little differently.
For Movember 2024 there will be four raffle draws: 9 November, 16 November, 23 November and 30 November.
There will be one prize bundle up for grabs in each draw - that will include the featured prize below, along with a One Year Subscription to The Fourth Wheel, thanks to the generosity of Chris Hall.
You enter into the draws (all of them that are still to run when you enter) by making a £10 donation to my Movember page. Each person can get a maximum of 5 entries by donating £50. You are of course encouraged to donate more if you are able, but will be entered a maximum of 5 times into each draw.
Once you’ve made your donation, please screen shot it and email me the picture along with your name, and phone number so I can notify you if you win!
You can see the t&cs and details of the brilliant prizes here.