Omega Stories: The Maternity Ward Speedmaster Deal


"Well, I'm at Greenslopes Private Hospital right now; my wife is giving birth, and if you want to meet me there in the maternity ward, there's a waiting room just outside the birthing suites, and we can do the deal there" [..]

Visit The Maternity Ward Speedmaster Deal to read the full article.
Great story, the phone calls from his wife made me ROFL.
Great story Ash !

You have Intrigue ! Security guards ….. a “ get out of town threat “ a slow speed chase …. Stack of cash ! And a girl ! Hahahahahaha
Great story Ash !

You have Intrigue ! Security guards ….. a “ get out of town threat “ a slow speed chase …. Stack of cash ! And a girl ! Hahahahahaha
I never did meet her either, only heard her on the phone. The security really were just a bit precious though, its like they deep down really wanted to be real cops instead of just shoo-ing away drug seekers, and the closing the exits followed by pincer move type thing they did was a bit dramatic for two dudes just chilling in some chairs with everything pretty much out in the open. Then the kicking us out was just an overreaction to save face, if you really think someone is selling stolen goods you hold them until the real cops show up.
Great story and very well written / nice illustrations.
Years ago a friend rushed his wife to hospital half-dressed/ half asleep for their first baby in a mad late night panic. It was a false alarm and they were sent home still in a dishevelled daze. He told a security guard they had no money and asked if he would help them getting out of the car-park. The guard was giving him a full on lecture about being responsible, getting a job and and being able to support his child before my friend could explain it was just that in the rush he left his wallet and cards at home :0)
Haha, thanks for sharing that!

Compare that to the excitement of clicking a few buttons on eBay, PayPal’ing the money to have a parcel delivered a couple days later by a postman. Yup. Nothing beats the thrill of personal interactions in the wild, from beautiful to scary to downright awkward.

With this and the cult guy you bought a watch from (also recommended by your mom, IIRC?), I’m looking forward to further stories like it. 😀
Haha, thanks for sharing that!

Compare that to the excitement of clicking a few buttons on eBay, PayPal’ing the money to have a parcel delivered a couple days later by a postman. Yup. Nothing beats the thrill of personal interactions in the wild, from beautiful to scary to downright awkward.

With this and the cult guy you bought a watch from (also recommended by your mom, IIRC?), I’m looking forward to further stories like it. 😀
Yea there are several more queued up including more found by my mother. I only visited much less bought from about 2% of the listings she sent me but they were always such left-field strangeness that I never would have found them on my own. There are also a lot of odd ones from a period when I ran newspaper ads looking for vintage watches, so many weird people got attracted to those that I gave up on it after a few months.
Sorry, but unless I’m missing something I find this story ridiculous. Man has golden opportunity to buy grail watch, but misses. Man has second opportunity, albeit in unlikely circumstances but nevertheless takes it up - the planets align!

In the end man decides to get rid of grail watch but can nevertheless see himself getting a like-for-like replacement for it someday.
Regretting a decision to sell isn’t unheard of. Other circumstances forcing one to sell a watch isn’t unheard of. What’s ridiculous about it?
Sorry, but unless I’m missing something I find this story ridiculous. Man has golden opportunity to buy grail watch, but misses. Man has second opportunity, albeit in unlikely circumstances but nevertheless takes it up - the planets align!

In the end man decides to get rid of grail watch but can nevertheless see himself getting a like-for-like replacement for it someday.
There was a time not long after I bought it, I was working for a company in the physical precious metals trade. It paid very well but that industry is a really nasty one to be in, as nearly all of your customers are people that probably should be locked up in one facility or another and are complete scum. I wanted out of that before I had something else lined up, and what I was making from just server hosting and consulting alone wasn’t enough to pay both my bills and that of Omegaforums so I had to sell something. My absolute favorite pieces are my vintage Seamaster Piepans, and a handful of other rare vintage Omegas that I really can’t replace as there are a handful of them in the world.

By contrast there are 1969 Gemini 4s, so worst case scenario I have to pay a little more to get another some day. I still missed that watch a great deal but being modern it can be replaced, while when you sell unobtainium vintage pieces, they’re gone for good as the people you sell them to aren’t moved by money.
when you sell unobtainium vintage pieces, they’re gone for good as the people you sell them to aren’t moved by money.
You have to wait for the Estate sale!
You have to wait for the Estate sale!

The secret reason why I have been eating more vegetables and exercising more, to outlast the peeps on this forum 😗