…that’s just how they’re raised on some other forums

What was the question?

I’ve been out of the loop due to being out on my vintage Trek 8000…

Someday I hope to be just like you. Well...minus the dorky shorts and lame Mustang 😁
@Mad Dog ….Cool! I put this back in service last year after too many on the rack. Switched the spd cleats to platform pedals though because I use it for casual riding. It’s got upgrades including a Chris King headset and Mavic silver wheel set. Schwalbe city rubber. Aluminum frame is lighting quick. Punishing on 50+ rides I used to take this on. Veteran of multiple 5 Borough bike tours. I still love the thing.
Waterford! 👍

I gots me one of them there Waterfords…a 1989 Schwinn Waterford Paramount. I purchased it new while on mil active duty stationed in San Diego…came with Dura-Ace 7400…I still have it…and it’s good for getting dropped on team rides since it’s pretty much a boat anchor. 😁

Someday I hope to be just like you. Well...minus the dorky shorts and lame Mustang 😁
You forgot to mention the lame Honda Monkey…both of them…😁

Waterford! 👍

I gots me one of them there Waterfords…a 1989 Schwinn Waterford Paramount. I purchased it new while on mil active duty stationed in San Diego…came with Dura-Ace 7400…I still have it…and it’s good for getting dropped on team rides since it’s pretty much a boat anchor. 😁

But you get dropped in style! That is one beautiful machine.
I looked at all the locks before I ordered one up for the Gazelle, those Kryptonite ones seem to be the best so thats what I got too.

nicely matches the one for my motorcycle as well... perhaps the start of another collection? Oh no!

HEY! Why not a picture of a watch! I’ll throw in some other stuff to keep the interest up.

an watch or two

an spark plug, about 125 years old

An budgie....a vicious little bastard too

And now, back to our regularly scheduled bicycle stuff

Gee @DaveK , this thread really did get knocked off the rails.
Nothing wrong with that budgie that some training wouldn't sort out.... one of mine, Lagetha was way to beaky, but I would put her on my shoulder and stand in front of a mirror whilst holding a wooden spoon, ans every time her body language said she was building up to bite the irresistible target of my ear.......the handle of the spoon would magically appear giving her just the lightest tap on the beak, (nothing more than just touching it really ) it didn't take long before she realised a few important facts. 1st that I can read her mind and know whats she's doing before she does it, and 2nd is that I'm much bigger and more powerful than her, so playing nice is probably a better idea. now she will still play with my hair and ever so gently play nibble my ear, but I know I can trust her.

Now watch pix........good,
budgie pix.....good,
sparkplug pix.......OK,
but bicycle pix...........are obscene and offensive, not to mention the potential to corrupt and fucken disturb any young impressionable folk that may see them!
Now this was/is lame.
That may well posses a certain lameness about it but at least it has a motor so it is a step in the right direction
No rules I think for normal speed ones. The real fast ones need a helmet and licence plate but you hardly see them in town. But bike paths in the city are extremely crowded sometimes. This is a famous one

A cycle path is somewhere that is a place dedicated to use a bicycle.
A psychopath is the dangerous lunatic riding the bicycle!
Not sure if I have told this tale on OF before, but

Riding the Holdsworth fixie down a narrow country lane two horse riders are coming in the other direction. I say loudly "Hello, are your horses OK with bikes" apparently this helps horses believe that you are a human similar to the sort who feeds them and not a slavering horse-eating beast that hasn't eaten this month [*]. Yes, they're OK.

Then a shot-gun goes off in an adjacent field. Both horses bolt, I dive out of their way and land upside down in a ditch still clipped in to the pedals. Horse riders say most unladylike things about whoever fired that shotgun and ask if I'm OK. Yeah, I'm OK, but somehow my chain has come off. Fixie riders have to be really particular about chain tension and there is no way it should come off. But it did.

[*] Doesn't matter what you say out loud if you're on a recumbent bike: to a horse you're a slavering horse-eating beast that hasn't eaten this year.
Not just horses, any rational being should think the same!