·Congrats Greg, I know you have been waiting on getting these back for along time now. What strap is on that 2577 hobnail?
Congrats Greg, I know you have been waiting on getting these back for along time now. What strap is on that 2577 hobnail?
Actually, I got it not from but through MtV from another seller. Matt must have been having a weak moment and took pity on a hobnailess friend.
Actually, I got it not from but through MtV from another seller. Matt must have been having a weak moment and took pity on a hobnailess friend.
Yeah, not sure what got into me there.
Oh, wait, actually I do: You’ve been wanting one. Even Niko approached me and asked me to forward one to you as you were the nicest person. I agree with that sentiment. So there you go. I do have dibs on it though, I believe. 😁
Yeah, Niko has dibs on at least one too.
I want to put in a shameless plug for my friend and fellow OF member Niko a/k/a TheGreekPhysique. Niko is actually the guy who found and sold me the Constellation - pretty much tailored to exactly what I was looking for and then some. A nicer guy and a more trustworthy seller you could not find. If Niko posts something for sale, pay attention because chances are that you’re going to get a very nice watch, accurately described, at a very fair price. He’ll always treat you right. Niko, thanks, my friend. You hit one out of the park with this Connie.