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  1. alam Nov 28, 2017

    Has anyone around here tried these BOB Marino Nytech Deployment StrapsPurchases made through these links may earn this site a commission from the eBay Partner Network? I'd like to give them a try but they look a bit stiff -- anyone?

    Screen Shot 2017-11-28 at 10.13.27 AM.png
  2. yinzerniner Nov 29, 2017

    They're stiff at first but break in after a bit of wear. The material actually isn't a weave but rather a stamped/molded pattern on a tough rubberized textile. I used mine on a 2254 for about four months straight, exposing it to all kinds of elements and activities and while some wear was noticeable it never disinterested or otherwise exhibited compromised security.

    But the most noticeable issue is that the sizing ins't quite 100%. The design of the Omega clasp requires very tight tolerances at the side that fits onto the pin, and the Nytech and other Bob/Waccex straps are just slightly off at a few crucial points, anywhere between .25-.5mm. This makes the strap side with the holes somewhat loose when mounted, and therefore when worn the strap end wiggles a bit and can easily move to the point where the ends don't overlap perfectly, but rather are on non-parallel planes.

    They're affordable, but due to the fitment issues discussed above I can't really recommend them for use with the Omega deploy clasp.
    alam likes this.
  3. alam Nov 29, 2017

    This fitment concern is the only thing that will keep me away from trying one :( Thanks for the details! :thumbsup: