Video: Omega Speedmaster Sedna vs Rolex Daytona Everose Gold

Last week we wrote a detailed hands-on article about the new Omega Speedmaster Master Chronometer in Sedna gold. This week, we’re bringing you a video in which Karina and I talk about the Speedmaster Sedna versus the Daytona Everose. In this new video, we’re presenting the Speedmaster Professional Master Chronometer in Sedna gold, Omega’s own […]

Visit Video: Omega Speedmaster Sedna vs Rolex Daytona Everose Gold to read the full article.
Great comparison video. How does the bracelet, and heft of the Speedmaster feel in comparison to the Daytona though? The heft is one of my favorites parts of a full precious medal piece.
That Sedna gold makes the Rolex Everose look almost yellow by comparison, its hard to appreciate just how extreme the tint is to the gold that they’ve managed to achieve. Personally I don’t like that Daytona the black dial is a lot nicer in the 116505 but I think you’d hard pressed to go wrong with either.

But then I’d still rather have an original BA145.022 than either of them. Or the Soyuz gold because that one is pretty sick.
That Sedna gold makes the Rolex Everose look almost yellow by comparison, its hard to appreciate just how extreme the tint is to the gold that they’ve managed to achieve. Personally I don’t like that Daytona the black dial is a lot nicer in the 116505 but I think you’d hard pressed to go wrong with either.

But then I’d still rather have an original BA145.022 than either of them. Or the Soyuz gold because that one is pretty sick.

I don't know, this picture makes the Rolex look a lot less pink than it is in person. I've worn the rose gold Daytona and was put off by the pinkness, but in this photo it does almost look yellow.
I don't know, this picture makes the Rolex look a lot less pink than it is in person. I've worn the rose gold Daytona and was put off by the pinkness, but in this photo it does almost look yellow.

I agree - the Everose is VERY pink. Rose gold is basically my favourite colour of gold, but having the full watch and bracelet in it is just too much for me. The only recent Rolex I like even a little is the YM in that gold - the strap and black bezel helped tone it down a little...