·Vandalism pure and simple, and no, they don't have a point. People can spend their money on what they want; cars, houses, boats, travel, watches, take your pick. First they want SUVs off the road, then it will be high powered cars, then your family sedan, it will never end with these people until you are forced onto public transportation, or a bicycle, or their ultimate mode, walking. These are bored, mostly over educated souls that are unhappy with their lives. I refuse to acknowledge or entertain their life issues. They will have ZERO effect on climate change.
My wife and I have four vehicles; an SUV, a sport sedan, a turbo hatchback and a 150 hp sports bike. I don't need anyone telling me I shouldn't have them. That's my decision. Everybody else can butt out.
Some people might consider this a selfish attitude to have. There is indeed plenty of evidence to suggest that SUVs
Vandalism pure and simple, and no, they don't have a point. People can spend their money on what they want; cars, houses, boats, travel, watches, take your pick. First they want SUVs off the road, then it will be high powered cars, then your family sedan, it will never end with these people until you are forced onto public transportation, or a bicycle, or their ultimate mode, walking. These are bored, mostly over educated souls that are unhappy with their lives. I refuse to acknowledge or entertain their life issues. They will have ZERO effect on climate change.
My wife and I have four vehicles; an SUV, a sport sedan, a turbo hatchback and a 150 hp sports bike. I don't need anyone telling me I shouldn't have them. That's my decision. Everybody else can butt out.
Some, including myself, would consider this viewpoint extremely selfish.