··Keeps his worms in a ball instead of a can.Probably as provenance is often used to pump up the price way beyond an items true value, it is used to pray on the gullible who fall for the cult of celebrity.
Provenance only true value is to help determine the authenticity of something truly unique, it has no moral value in being used to massively inflate the price of a mass produced item that is for all intents and purposes, identical to all the others of it's kind.
It might be nice to be able to say that something you own might've been owned/worn/used by a celebrity or some such, but how much would it be really worth to you to be able to say so? $10, $100 maybe even $1,000 but surely not a $1,000,000!
I argue in the watch world if there had been only one the price would be much higher.
these 6 watches as a group are arguably in the top 10 most desirable watches in existence.
but let me ask you is the Bullet Mustang worth more then a regular fastback?