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Share Ownership Lowest In 2000 In Australia

  1. seamonster Respectable Member May 21, 2013

    Respectable Members

    Stocks and shares are owned by big corporations, while vintage-watches are owned by individuals.

    One hit of the button the price drops and another hit of the next button the price goes up. In the interim share-holders lose billions of dollars and who reaps the profits? Perhaps this possible manipulation is slowly getting into the heads of share-holders.

    At least we know, the value of vintage-watches has crept up, over the years. There is no see-sawing, till they are controlled by the giants. Fortunately the number of highly desirable vintage-watches is too small and this does not attract the interest of the big corporations.

    Perhaps, more and more people are investing in the better vintage-watches and shunning the stocks and shares market, after getting their fingers badly burned.

    Any comment.
