Posts 630 Likes 2,700 Slevin kelevra ·Apr 19, 2020 Looking for one of these quartz Chronographs. Preferably something with a bit of patina. Let me know what you have. Thanks. Edited: Apr 22, 2020
Posts 845 Likes 962 vienna ·Apr 20, 2020 Hi from Vienna, Austria, if you are also open for a 7a38 7070, I have one for sale. Kind regards Max
Posts 630 Likes 2,700 Slevin kelevra ·Apr 23, 2020 Found a 7a38 7070 but still on the lookout for a 7a28 7040/9. Thanks Edited: May 1, 2020
Posts 630 Likes 2,700 Slevin kelevra ·May 12, 2020 Bump, still looking for a 7a28 7040 or 7049. If you have anything please send me some pics, details of the watch and the asking price. Thanks