Seeking Expert Opinion on Tissot 15TL (Caliber 33.3, 37mm Case) – Dial and Overall Authenticity

Ahoj všichni,

Nedávno jsem si pořídil vintage Tissot 15TL s 37mm pouzdrem a strojkem Caliber 33.3. Prosím o radu od odborníků na tomto fóru ohledně celkové autenticity a originality hodinek, zejména ciferníku.

Na základě přiložených fotografií byste se mohli podělit o své názory na:

  • Zda se ciferník jeví jako původní nebo byl přepracován/restaurován?
  • Nějaké známky, které by mohly naznačovat vyměněné nebo neoriginální díly?
  • Obecné poznatky o tomto konkrétním modelu a jeho historické hodnotě?

Jakékoli informace nebo odkazy na podobné modely by byly velmi oceněny. Předem děkujeme za vaše odborné znalosti!

(V příloze jsou detailní fotografie hodinek včetně strojku a zadní části pouzdra.)

Hello everyone,

I recently acquired a vintage Tissot 15TL with a 37mm case and a Caliber 33.3 movement. I am seeking advice from experts on this forum regarding the overall authenticity and originality of the watch, particularly the dial.

Based on the attached photos, could you share your thoughts on:

Whether the dial appears original or has been refinished/restored?

Any signs that might indicate replaced or non-original parts?

General insights into this specific model and its historical value?

Any input or references to similar models would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your expertise!

(Attached are detailed photos of the watch, including the movement and case back.)
I recently acquired a vintage Tissot 15TL with a 37mm case and a Caliber 33.3 movement. I am seeking advice from experts on this forum regarding the overall authenticity and originality of the watch, particularly the dial.
Based on the attached photos, could you share your thoughts on:
Whether the dial appears original or has been refinished/restored?
Any signs that might indicate replaced or non-original parts?
General insights into this specific model and its historical value?

Hello @anta, and welcome to the forum! The dial on your watch is indeed authentic and has not been refinished or restored, although it is somewhat faded. The leaf hands on your watch are correct, as are both chronograph hands, but the subsecond hand appears to have been replaced at some point in its past life. The crown has been replaced as well.

The serial numbers on both the case and movement are in line with other Tissot 15TL examples from the same manufacturing period (1942), suggesting that the watch movement and case are not "frankened." Here is another example with a similar dial to yours:

The 15TL (and its cousins, the 15CHT and 15''') was the premier chronograph model for Tissot from the mid-1930s through 1946:

Several forum members also have similar models, as seen here:
You should Google “Tissot 15L”. You’ll find a lot of other examples.

This one is particularly close:

Excellent description of the watch and its history there. Case serial number is only 12 units lower than yours.
Thank you very much. I also found these, but the hands misled me, so I wasn’t sure. I thought I’d just write to people who dedicate a lot of time to this and are experts in the details.
**"Thank you very much for your quick response. It's clear that you are an expert and really know where to look.

May I ask one more thing? Even with such a faded dial and a damaged crown, is it worth saving the watch? Does it still have any value in this condition? I was told that it certainly does and that it could be worth around €7,000 to €9,000 even in this state. Could that really be the case? Are there collectors who would be interested in it despite the condition?

You know what I mean—I just want to make sure I won’t embarrass myself anywhere. 😃

Once again, thank you very much!"**
Maybe ask the person who said €7000 - €9000 to buy it from you for the €7K, they can pocket the paper profit for themselves, see what they say?

I think more like €3.5-4.5K due to the dial