pitting corrosion under bezel, dilemma is now possibility of breaking when pressing it back onto the case?

I was replacing a crystal on Seamaster 166.003 and removed the case bezel to clean that whole area prior to installation,

The case looked impeccable as it has no other pitting anywhere between lugs, under the back seals etc. However, underneath the case bezel it was another story!!!. What I thought was pure filth/crud being trapped between the bezel and the crystal edge ended up having some pitting.

I am not so concerned about the case but more so the bezel had a couple of spots that were quite deep almost at the point of if the bezel may break when I press it into the case with the case press. I have never replaced a crystal on one of these with removable bezels and just followed the advice of past posts and other research. Maybe, the crystal could have been replaced without having to remove the bezel as the bezel seems to be more of a cosmetic than a structural feature.. MAYBE hard lesson learnt here if I could have avoided removing bezel!!!::facepalm1::

I am not sure if anyone has ever experienced something like this and my question is, should I get some laser welding done under the bezel to strengthen it, if the worst should happen that it breaks, or would any other best fit bezel do the trick until by pure chance one came along unexpectedly in the future? I know all the purists including myself would frown on this, but as it is my nephew's watch, he prefers some bezel on it rather than nothing as it is a keeper for him. (I know they are no longer available according to Ofrei ) Ironically I had only posted something the other day about bezels
sorry for the long vent!!!
many thanks

(bezel outer diamater is 33.2mm and mounting diameter on the case is 31.37mm)
I don't think these bezels are designed to be removed once on as they're not one piece cases

Remove the crystal and install the new, but leave bezel in place
I don't think these bezels are designed to be removed once on as they're not one piece cases

Remove the crystal and install the new, but leave bezel in place
Thanks for your prompt reply!
I had initially thought of doing that and now I really feel like kicking myself for having removed it, since it is only a cosmetic from how I see it.
I had changed them on those monocoque cases without issues where bezels did need to be removed. I saw so much dirt that I thought of cleaning it properly by removing the bezel. Don't know why they designed them like this if they serve no other purpose other than cosmetic,

My nephew said that if it breaks, to just glue or silicone a Seiko or Citizen best fit, I am not comfortable about this charlatanism but if push comes to shove, then ........😟 , hopefully I can find a more feasible professional solution