For all the positives of my new ST, I will say that there is one blaring negative. Something that has certainly been said before, but is so true. Legibility. Holy Moly it sure can be hard to read the time sometimes. This morning I woke, looked at my watch and thought it was hours later than it was. I realized while drinking my coffee and glancing at the kitchen clock that I had misread the time, and wished I had stayed in bed for the lazy sunday mornings that I so enjoy.
One does learn how to tilt the watch just right to see the time in most situations but with morning groggy eyes, or in dark lighting, it is pretty much impossible to read the time with the ST1. This would absolutely be a deal breaker for me with any other watch, but there are just too many aspects with this watch that could never be replaced with another, so i am just going to learn to live with it...............