Thanks Guys. Looks that mine (attached picture) is correct one and from the picture is with service dial
Why do some Mk IIs come with Pro-style (thinner) hands? Both Racing and black dials. A quick Google search suggests there's plenty of examples. Was there a date at which 'Mk II hands' appeared, before which they were interchangeable with the Pro's hands?
As far as I know, ALL Mark II Speedmasters came with the same handset, distinctly different from the Speedy Pro. But because they share the same movement, the Speedy Pro hands will fit. I assume the pictures you mention have had the hands replaced at some point and did not originally come that way. Just like every so often yo use a Speedy Pro with Mark II hands on it.
That (interchangeability/laziness at Omega services over the years) could explain the non-Racing instances, but what about the Racing dials? There surely aren't many (any?) Racing Pro hands floating around to be 'lazily' switched at service. Makes me suspect they came with them.