Newbie - 50th Birthday Speedmaster advice...

Hello All, a bit of advice please for a newbie to vintage watches of any sort .

I was born in September 1969 and was my parents named me Neil so you'll probably appreciate 2 things:

1) my 50th birthday is fast approaching


2) the moon landings hold a certain significance to me and my birthday.

Given the above I am looking to treat myself to a vintage watch to celebrate my 50th birthday.

A couple of years ago I was walking through Burlington Arcade in London and stopped to look at the vintage watches on offer and the idea of a 1969 Omega 'Moonwatch' stuck in my head. After a little research recently I came to the idea that the Speedmaster model that most fits my requirements would be a 145.022-69 (ST?) with Straight Writing and would like some advice on if this is a correct assumption and things to look out for, good examples etc.

Having read a couple of guides/articles, [url][/URL] & , and a little research recently I came to the idea that the Speedmaster model that most fits my requirements would be a 145.022-69 (ST?) with Straight Writing and would like some advice on if this is a correct assumption and things to look out for, good examples etc.

My requirements would be a 1969 model, post moon landing. It seems that the 'Straight Writing' release best fits the timeframe I am looking at (July-December 1969), although it seems that most were 1970-71.

I can live with a -69 model that might be from 1970,71, but ideally I want 50 year old watch. It appears that I might be restricting myself to the 26xxxxxxx-27xxxxxxx serial number range (Roman Hartmann table) , which could be problematic.

Although, having just looked at the Moonwtach Only website , it would appear I should be looking at 'Pre-Moon' models with serials in the range 28xxx-31xxx ??

I'm not interested in the 'actual' Moonwatch, 105 or 145.012, its from way before my time (and price range!)

Lots of info, some contradictory, Some (difficult) decisions to be made if am being a purist.....

I haven't been to see any actual models 'in the flesh' yet, although will do so in the next couple of weeks. I have looked online, dealers and eBay but am a bit weary of eBay with my very limited knowledge.

there is an interesting EBay example from Japan, with Straight Writing and Apollo XI, here , but that looks like a modern strap(?) and something about the listing doesn't sit 100% with me. I'm not specifically considering purchasing this one but it's an interesting starting point...

I'm also almost tempted by a brand new watch for the very clean and sharp appearance. I'm not interested in the 50th Anniversary edition - despite some nice touches I just don't like all that gold everywhere.

All opinions and advice greatly appreciated from the people with the real knowledge!

A vintage watch with a 'story' sounds like a fine thing indeed.


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I think a SW will be far too late for you if you want a watch with a 1969 Extract. Others will know better, but I’m guessing that you will probably want a transitional 145.022-68 or an early pre-moon 145.022-69. and MWO are good resources for you.
Setting your heart on a true vintage -69 would be an excellent way to celebrate. Don’t feel any pressure to get the deal done before September, spend your time learning and waiting to pull the trigger with no hesitation when the right watch makes itself known to you (you will know). Enjoy the hunt! Focus on condition.
Great first post IMO!

I think, if you take the time to do your research and due dilligence, that you'll be very happy with the watch considering your approach as outlined here. Coupled with your name and birth year I think a vintage Speedy will be the perfect choice, not a new one.

It's looking like you'll need a 861 in the late 26m serial range.

Features like step dial, DON bezel and Pre Moon caseback will be important makers to look for. I had a 145.022-ST with these features (but was a 29m serial so likely from '70) and it is surely the watch I regret selling the most.

When considering the price, remember to always factor in a service - and remember to use a trusted watchmaker with vintage watch experience. Depending on your location, the members here can surely point you to a good one.

Many thanks for all the encouraging replies folks, I certainly won't be rushing this decision - I'm a well known ponderer and procrastinator!

Ideally i would like a watch from 1969 but I am somewhat tempted by a Straight Writing, especially an Apollo XI as it has a certain relevance.

Reading some of the links posted above led me to this page on the recent Sothebys auction - . It would appear that Lot 15 must have been withdrawn as it does not appear in the catalogue now ...? - There is no Lot15.

Given the rarity mentioned I wonder if anyone has any opinions about this one being offered on eBay from Japan...? - Pictures are terrible so details are hard to spot, and the price seems a bit on the cheap side ?? It would appear the Buy-it-Now has been revised several times, I can only guess downwards for a sale ......??


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Regarding the Japan offering, the absence of any patina on the dial (in combination with the shitty photos) is a gigantic red flag. Would avoid at all costs
As I read and learn a little it looks like the Apollo Xi I linked to above has a 'service' dial (I'm learning) with the little I can make out given the quality of the photos....??

Thanks for the info GandOsDad, our posts must've crossed in the cybersphere....
Many thanks for all the encouraging replies folks, I certainly won't be rushing this decision - I'm a well known ponderer and procrastinator!

Ideally i would like a watch from 1969 but I am somewhat tempted by a Straight Writing, especially an Apollo XI as it has a certain relevance.

If you are willing to be patient, you should hunt for a nice transitional 145.022-68 (delivered in 1969) and be willing to pay a premium. I think the transitionals are going to be increasingly collectible, they are unique, and they are from your birth-year. I have owned both in the past, and the transitional is more interesting than a straight-writing all day long. The SW is modestly different from an ordinary 145.022-69 (the most common reference), but let's face it ... the only difference is on the back.