·I’ve got two DON bezels, one from a 105.012 and the other from a 145.022. Side by side I’ve noticed that my 105 bezel’s font is slightly thicker and not as crisp. Has anyone else noticed differences in there DONs? Is this just age and patina doing its thing?
Also, which DON do you think is more desirable? They are both in great condition with their own imperfections. The 105 has a slight fade to it with slight surface scratches when looking from side lit angles and the 145 has the crisp font, shiny black insert with no scratches but the outer meta ring has slight tiny surface dings I’ll call them. Which one, left or right?
Thanks in advance.
Also, which DON do you think is more desirable? They are both in great condition with their own imperfections. The 105 has a slight fade to it with slight surface scratches when looking from side lit angles and the 145 has the crisp font, shiny black insert with no scratches but the outer meta ring has slight tiny surface dings I’ll call them. Which one, left or right?
Thanks in advance.