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  1. dmdbbref Jan 8, 2017

    Can anyone give some advice on this one, please? Case number 14393 8 SC which according to my research first year of release is 1960. The listing says it is a 1959 year watch based on serial #. The dial looks ok to me, (untrained eye) but have been reading up, and I know the case back is over polished. Just want to know if other than that looks OK. The movement is the 561 which is right for the case# but does look very clean/new. Is that an issue? Thanks for any help/feedback. I am looking for a birth year 1957, constellation, but it seems to be a though year to find. Listing does say that hands have been replaced. MTUyMkJFNTZGMEY1MDcwQzdCRUI6NmNiNzJhZTY3NTEzZTQzNTg5MjQwN2FmZTU3NmZhYjM6Ojo6OjA=.jpeg MTUyMkJFNTZGMEY1MDcwQzdCRUI6NmNkZGJiNzg5MmNhMGQzZjI4ZjBiOGViMDljYzM4ODc6Ojo6OjA=.jpeg MTUyMkJFNTZGMEY1MDcwQzdCRUI6NzliOWMzNzFlNmY4YmEzMTQwYjQ5M2ZkNzlmZWNjMGY6Ojo6OjA=.jpeg MTUyMkJFNTZGMEY1MDcwQzdCRUI6Y2IyZTg3ODRlYmM3NDFhMmNkNWQwYTBhOGZkMGJlNWQ6Ojo6OjA=.jpeg MTUyMkJFNTZGMEY1MDcwQzdCRUI6ZTFkNjljZWJiOWJhMTI3YzcyY2I4MGJhNGM1YWQ2Njk6Ojo6OjA=-2.jpeg