I had the dubious pleasure of being the team leader on the erection of a chlorine batching plant that was shipped out from India…..easily the worst thing I ever had to put together.
Terrible quality, nothing fitted anything else, when I questioned the blokes they sent out they repeatedly bullshitted to me.
I finally got one cornered when I asked him to measure one of the beams, he produced a funny looking tape measure and proceeded to take a measurement, I then asked to have a look at his tape measure, the first thing I noticed was: “made in India” printed on it, the next was the advice:”not to scale!”
I did a comparison measurement with mine, it was out 5mm over 700mm!
When I asked him why he would use an inaccurate tape measure, and he replied that they all use the same ones,
No wonder the damned thing was so bloody hard to assemble with all of the fabricators using the same model tapes and no two of those tapes reading the same it is a recipe for total disaster.
We finally did get that plant together, it took all the skills and determination of our team
I only took it on with the condition that I wouldn’t be around for the commissioning, In the previous project I was on (also a chlorine plant) I was present when there was a serious chlorine gas leak, I was two breaths away from the grave and the bloke I was with was one. I have very little sense of smell left as a souvenir, so there was no way I wanted to be near any bloody chlorine after that.
I’ve never had any faith in anything made in India since.