Looking for info on Le Coultre

I'm a fan of watches, with Omega being by far the apple of my eye. I also tinker a bit on watches as a hobby. As many of you know quite well, that leads most folks you come across to think you're a watch expert and know everything about all brands.

That said, a friend of mine asked if I could tell him anything about a vintage Le Coultre watch he found in his father's possessions after he passed away. I told him I had never even heard of the brand but would see what I could find out. Can anyone tell me anything about this watch? I did some standard internet searching and couldn't find any Le Coultre timepieces that looked like this one. I would love to know the basics like vintage or model, but naturally rough value would be great as well.

Thanks in advance!

Le Coultre_1.jpg Le Coultre_2.jpg
Value will be gold and a bit