Looking for help Omega gold watch De ville

Hello, i have an Omega watch that was left over after my father passed away. I dont know much about it, and would like to know if its worth anything.

I dont know much about this watch other than it supposedly are in gold, and most likely bought between years 1950 - 1980. It was originally bought by someone who was known to have some money in her days.

I tried to google, but its very hard to find the exact same one, when i look at the cover behind the watch its not in gold, rather in some silver ish colour, and it made me doubt if its really is in gold or only plated. Backside plate, it says: Quartz and what seems to me to be a weird symbol and some numbers.

In front it says: Omega and De Ville.

On the lock there is some more numbers but its to small for me to see what it says and also there is a triangle with something inside.

I dont have any knowledge about watches in general and certainly not Omega watches, so i appreciate every help on the information about this watch.
Ladies Omega De-ville common late 70s early 80s watch. Quartz most probably a gold bracelet would need to see close up pictures. Being a Quartz and ladies not overly worth that much. eBay sold listings will give you a idea. Get a jeweller to remove case back for model number.
Still a nice watch for woman to wear...
Thank you @STANDY for the help! 馃榾 I tried to look on the eBay sold listings but i couldt find any identical. Do you know what price it might be worth? I would like to know if its worth appraising it, since that to is not to cheap.
If the bracelet is gold melt value really. If not not quiet sure.
If you put it on eBay I would think $200-300 maybe at touch more if you get a few interested parties.

Check the bracelet for hall marks
Get it checked as if the battery is left in and it's not working the leaking battery can ruin the movement. Local mall guy could change the battery to see if it works or not..